Thank you to all the parents that have come to help us today and enjoy our Halloween stations and parade. The kids and I LOVE having you here. We want to wish Ayman Hijazi a Happy Birthday today, he has turned the big 5!

I wanted to send a reminder that our picture day is on Monday, November 2nd, 2016. We are NOT sure about what time the pictures will be so make sure your child is dressed in something warm to go outside for recess and wearing the proper shoes for gym class on Monday!

You can always pre order your child’s pictures online and then send in a printed receipt if you choose.

That’s all for now, more to come on Monday morning!

Mrs. Ross 🙂


  1. U verrrry welcome .this is my pleasure and big thanks for
    You bc u let us volunteering and sharing with our kids
    Happy Halloween for you and ur family .safe treat or trick for
    All kids

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