Third Grade James Rizzi Artwork

For their last project of the year, third grade artists looked at the artwork of James Rizzi. Each artist created their own cityscape that had a personality and other elements from their imagination. After drawing their buildings, faces, and other details, they painted using a watercolor resist.

Second Grade Light Houses

With the last class before the end of the school year, second grade artists created a quick Michigan lighthouse painting. We looked at some images of light houses in Michigan and many of our artists have seen them before! Everyone painted their own background and while that was drying, drew and cut out a lighthouse. …


First and Second Chalk Landscapes

First and second grade artists in Mrs. Salami’s class created chalk landscapes for their last project of the school year. We began by looking at and learning about landscapes.  Each artist chose an environment to show in their landscape and drew with pencil first, then glue.  Because we were drawing with glue, everyone had to …


Fourth Grade Mandalas

Fourth grade artists drew and painted their own mandalas! We began by learning about mandalas and about radial symmetry.  Each artist began their drawing by drawing at least four lines of symmetry that went around a circle. Then they added shapes and lines to show radial symmetry by drawing the same design in each part …
