Kindness Magnets for Empty Bowls Fundraiser

While exploring reasons why people make art this year, fourth grade artists discussed ways that we could use our artwork to help others. Lucky for us, the Dearborn art department provides a wonderful opportunity for student artists to do this at our Empty Bowls Dinner!

Here are many of the clay pieces drying out; some of the shapes include: smily faces, hearts, a circle that says empty bowls, a star, and a triangle.

Each fourth grade artist designed and made small clay pieces that they thought would spread positivity or make someone smile and will be gluing a magnet to the back of them and donating them to Dearborn’s Empty Bowls Fundraiser.

The money made at this fundraiser will go towards helping people in our own community through the organizations Gleaner’s Food Bank and Blessings in a Backpack.

The 28th Annual Empty Bowls Dinner will be held on Monday, November 25th 2019 from 4:00-6:30pm at the Park Place Banquet Hall. The address is 23400 Park Street, Dearborn, MI. For a suggested $5.00 donation, you will receive a beautiful handmade bowl and there will be vegetarian and gluten free soup.

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