Month: March 2020

Tennis at home!

Click on the link to check out some tennis activities that you can do!(Don’t break any windows!)

More weekly activities!

This is from the DShines program: Our team of expert teachers, researchers, and programming staff have pulled together lots of resources to provide you with daily healthy eating and physical activity lesson plans that children and their families can do at home. On Sunday of each week, I’ll send you an email with links to the weekly activities which…

Student Expectations

Good morning Stout students. I have emailed all of you and let you know what is expected of you. Please have the Fitness Checklist completed by next Friday (3/28) this will be your last grade for the card marking. You can take a picture of it and email me it, or you can fill it…

Virtual Field Trips

On days when the weather is not cooperating here is a website that provides you with chances to learn and enjoy the great outdoors without actually going outdoors. Virtual Field Trips Let me know in the comments if you liked any of the options!

Additional Website/Resources

Here are some additional resources for physical activity! Please visit these websites and choose an activity that suits your personality. Remember to be active for 60 minutes or more each day. If you have a good website (or a fun activity) please share in the comments section. Thanks! Pinterest has a bunch of activities:…

Corona Virus Info

Students it is important that you stay home and try to stay away from others. Even though they may not seem sick symptoms do not show up for days. Please try and learn as much as you can about the virus so that you can prevent it from harming you and your family. #knowledge Here…

Health Checklist (Print 2nd)

Students please print off, complete the checklist and return to your PE teacher when you get back to school Health Checklist Copy the above file and paste it in a new browser.

Fitness Checklist (Print 1st)

Students please print this off, complete the activities and return to your PE teacher when you come back to school. If you do not have a printer click the link below, then copy all the information and paste it into a document. Complete all the information and email it to me when completed. Fitness Checklist…