Month: February 2018


The next intramural activity will be Monday March 5th.  Mr. Markicki will be leading our first week of volleyball.  If your student has a permission slip already handed in they can participate.  Please make sure they are picked up at 3:45pm.

Basketball Unit

This week we started our basketball unit.  Students will practice/learn a variety of skills over the next couple of days.  Have them demonstrate at home some of the skills that they have learned.  Students are to know all of the skill and vocab by the end of the unit. Break is next week, make sure…

Intramurals Wednesday 2/7

Due to the school being closed on Monday, (this week only) Intramurals will be tomorrow (Wednesday 2/7/18) from 3pm-3:45pm.  If you have a ride home that will be on time and a permission slip you are more than welcome to attend. We are playing Super Mr. Theisen Kickball so please bring extra socks (Air Time)….

SuperBowl Score

Okay everyone time to predict who you think will win the SuperBowl!  If you get the correct team and score you win a prize on Monday.  All scores must be in before the game starts to count.  Good luck. My Prediction: Patriots 27 Eagles 21 MVP: The GOAT Tom Brady!