After school intramurals will be Friday (4/20) this week from 3-3:45pm. This weeks sport is basketball. Please bring proper equipment/shoes and have a ride home at the scheduled time. There will be no Intramurals next week as that 6th grade will be at the DHS pool during intramural time.
Month: April 2018
Hockey Puck Design
Due May 4, 8:00 AM Hockey Puck Design All students will create and design their own hockey puck using the correct length, and width that is used in the NHL. STEPS: 1) Research the correct dimensions for an official NHL puck. 2) Create a plan using the correct dimensions for assembling your puck. 3) Create…
Cool Hockey Video’s
Here is a some links to some cool hockey video’s and why Detroit is called Hockeytown! Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4