Month: December 2018

Week 12/17

This week we start handball in PE.  Students will use the skills they have acquired from other sports and apply them to our new game. Intramurals are Tuesday 12/18 from 2:15-3pm.  We are playing football. Please make sure you have a ride. Tennis Paper is due.  If you plagiarized that is against school/district policy and…

Progress Reports

Some students may receive progress reports next week that say low test scores.  This maybe because they did not perform well on one or more of the fitness tests.  The progress report is just to let you know that.  Students grades should improve with tennis, health, and basketball coming up.  So expect grades to improve…

Week 12/3

This week we are working on tennis skills and then starting some tennis games. If you have a tennis racquet at home you can practice some of the skills that we worked on in class.  If you don’t have a tennis racquet you can look up some additional resources on YouTube to check out some…