What a beautiful morning Stout. I hope you all get to enjoy this weather! Make sure you are getting outside and being active. To all the students and parents that filled out the PE check-in last week thank you and great job! Here is the PE check in for this week, take one minute to fill it out:
Mr. V and I posted a lesson on google classroom this morning check it out today then fill out the attendance form immediately after. https://classroom.google.com/c/NzEzNDM3NDE5ODla Class code hnhu52p You must Fill out the Attendance Sheet at least twice a week after you watch the lesson: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeHaRQe5ifytV7CD4XbUrmOmL2l88sj1pSnHCSR31KGOCMbXQ/viewform
Here is today’s PE video of the day and workout of the day. https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/middleschoolphysicaleducation/2020/05/26/tuesday-may-26-activity-nutrition/
Don’t forget to set a goal for the week.
To all those who celebrated the EID this weekend I hope you had a great holiday! Take care!