Friday 5/15

Good morning Stout and happy Friday! The temperature outside is comfortable but it looks like we may have some rain today.

Today is the last day to enter your activities in the Theisen PE check in. So make sure all your information is filled out so that you can receive all your points.

Here is the Theisen PE check in.  Make sure you go to it today and fill out the activities you are doing.  I will put in GradeBook this weekend.

If you did not go to google classroom yesterday and watch our video check it out today. Here is how to join the PE google classroom: Class code hnhu52p 

You must Fill out the Attendance Sheet at least twice a week:

Here is today’s video and lessons that the PE department put together. We also created a healthy “smoothie bowl” to try if you are looking for something new to try.

This week we are working on setting goals.  Try and set a goal that you can accomplish for the week or next week and start progressing toward it.  Post your goal on my blog if you have a good one! Good luck and if you need help please email me.

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