Monday is the Cipriano Memorial Cross Country. All students who signed up should be there. Please try to arrive 20-30 minutes before your scheduled start time. Here is the location: 22051 Cherry Hill St, Dearborn, MI 48124
Girls start at 4 pm. Arrive around 3:30pm.
Boys start at 4:25pm. Arrive around 4pm.
No intramurals on Tuesday this week. Instead we will have a student council meeting in Mr. Kerry’s room from 2:20pm -3pm, on Thursday. Make sure if you attend you have a ride home and a permission slip.
In gym class we are working on our soccer unit. We have learned several skills and vocab so we are starting to incorporate that into games.
Our next unit is fitness tests. Make sure students are practicing their push ups, sit ups, and pull ups everyday at home. Jogging/cardiovascular endurance is also important.
Is the student council meeting on Tuesday or Thursday? I have it down for Thursday?