Author: Michael Theisen


Good morning and welcome back to another week at Bryant! We are starting soccer this week. Students will practice skills then begin games. They will also have a word wall with vocab, and skills listed. Remember to stay active, dress for the weather, and be a good sport when playing.

8th Grade Football

8th grade is finishing up their football unit and starting playoffs this week. We learned several skills, key words, and strategies. 6th Grade Is still finishing up their rules/procedures and will start soccer Monday along with 8th grade.

Sept 5th-8th

This week we are continuing to reinforce rules and procedures. We will also start our Football unit. We will start with skills and vocab then move onto games. Due this week: Lock PE clothes Parent signature Starting this week:Be on time Change Follow the rules

Welcome Back

Welcome back students and family! This year I am a Bryant Eagle. I am very excited to start sharing my knowledge and experience with the team at Bryant. This week we will be going over our classroom rules and procedures, locker room rules, and the PE basics. Looking forward to meeting some new students and…

Semester 2

Hello everyone, semester 2 starts today. Welcome to Mr. Theisen PE class! I am very excited to start this card marking with some new and returning faces. Make sure that you review my syllabus. We start swimming 1/25/23 you will need swim trunks, towel, goggles, soap, and a plastic bag.

Tractor Football

Any students interested in playing football here is a link and an opportunity to join a team. TRACTOR YOUTH FOOTBALL AGES 7-13 Fordson Football in partnership with theCity of Dearborn will be launching Tractor Youth Football this summer, 2023. Home games will be played at Fordson High School and practices will be held in our…

Welcome Back

Happy New Year everyone and welcome back to school. I hope that 2023 is starting off great for everyone. This week we are reviewing skills and will hopefully start racquet sports, badminton and or pickleball. We will be back in the pool on January 23rd.

Progress Reports

PE progress reports are on their way home. They were completed last week and should provide an update to your students progress in PE class. If your student does not have an A or a B then please have a discussion with them on how to improve their grade.