5/11/2020- Photography Online

Last weeks photography assignment resulted in impressive images. Check out the gallery ‘Outstanding Student Images-Shooting in Black and White‘ to see what students came up with.

Week 8 assignments have been posted. This week’s photo shoot topic is Documentary Photography. It requires you to ‘Tell your visual story’. You will take photographs that will give an idea of your daily experiences as a student and member of your community.

Check our Google Classroom for details.

I look forward to the amazing images you all will create.

4/14/20 Photography Online

Week 4 assignments have been posted. This week’s topic is forced perspective. It requires you to think creatively and use your photography skills to create an illusion. Check our Google Classroom for details.

I look forward to the amazing images you all will create.

Forced Perspective Introduction Video

4/13/20 Photography Online

Welcome Back! I hope everyone had a relaxing and productive break. I will be posting this weeks assignment Tuesday morning. This week we will be doing Forced Perspective (trust me it’s fun).

I will also be reaching out to our friends who appear to be missing in action. If you know a student who has not participated in this or any other class reach out and encourage them. If they need help refer them to me and I will help or find someone who can.

In case you don’t know. . . We Are In This Together.

4/3/20 Photography Online

Hello Friends!

As you know, we will be going on “Spring Break” next week. Teachers have been asked by administration to refrain from work during this time and to focus on our families.

So, if you are a student that needs help with something –please email me before Friday, April 3, 4:30 pm, so that I can advise you/help you with questions.

If you are joining our class in google classroom late for any reason (which you do not have to explain), you can still join and do all the work. I will give feedback after the break.

If you are a student that has been keeping up all along or have caught up with the work- you are all set until we return & thank you for sticking with it!

Please continue to stay home, stay safe (social distance & wash your hands frequently), and be part of the solution to save lives.

Thank you to all of our families doing their part by complying with the stay-at-home order and for encouraging your learners to work virtually from home. Additionally, I want to thank our families that act as first responders in: health care, law enforcement, food provision, energy, water/waste public works, defense, communication, community government and everyone in the Dearborn Public Schools learning community.

Posterazzi Peace Out Poster Print by Marcus Prime (12 x 9)

Stay safe,

Mrs. Cassidy

4/2/20-Photography Online

Just a reminder: This weeks abstract photography assignments are due by the end of the day. I would like to send a big THANK YOU to the students who have already submitted amazing and creative images. I will be adding a gallery of outstanding images tomorrow. Be on the lookout for yours.

4/1/20- Photography Online

Please keep the class work coming in through google classroom. This week’s theme is “Abstract Photography. — Take a minute to creatively look at the world around you whether in your home or your yard.

As difficult as it may seem, please continue to social distance – if you find yourself getting discouraged check out this free course put out by Yale University -The Happiness Lab. They have a session called Finding Happiness During COVID-19 Pandemic-it looks worth checking out…I checked out some of it…it’s good stuff!

Stay Safe!


Week 3 Assignments have been posted. You will be learning about Abstract Photography and using your phone to take interesting abstractions of everyday things.

Look around your environment for objects or locations that would make interesting Abstract Photography. Try looking around your house, backyard, or go for a walk.

Take three pictures using your phone using the tips included in the slides from Assignment 1 (I have attached it again below)

Here are a few Abstract images I took the other day:

Visit Google classroom for more details.

3/27/20-Photography Online

I am in the process of grading Week 2 Assignment 1 and providing feedback as needed. The images I have seen so far are very impressive. I have created a page on this blog for Outstanding Images Week 2 Assignment 1. Take a look at what others have done if you still need ideas.

Next week’s assignments (Abstract Photography), will be posted on Monday but if you want a sneak peek check out my post from 3/26/20.

Next week is also Virtual Spirit Week!! that right you read that correctly. Check out the flier below.

3/26/20 Photography Online

This weeks photoshoot is now due. I am busy grading and providing feedback to each of you. Week 2 Outstanding Images will be posted tomorrow.

As a heads up, Next week we will be doing Abstract Photography

Slide show

3/25/20-Photography Online

Just a kind reminder: Week 2 Assignment 1 is due today. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Last weeks images were amazing. I have updated the gallery of Outstanding Examples from last week. Use the link above to check them out.

SPECIAL NOTICE: If you are having problems coping during this time please reach out to DHS counseling. They are there to help.

Ms. Rouff’s Website

Appointments would likely be from 9AM-12 noon Monday through Friday for 20-30 minutes. We can use whatever format you are comfortable with (Google Hangout, FaceTime, etc.) You can schedule an appointment by emailing me at rouffl@dearbornschools.org

Ms. Rumler’s Website

Reach out to the DHS school social workers by email to set up a time to  talk (Lisa Cunningham, Lauren Rouff, Stacy Rumler) or call the Dearborn Schools Social Emotional Support line at, 313-827-8500.  In crisis/distress you can also call or text at: 1-800-273-8255/Text ‘Talk’ to 741741

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