Students will be introduced to a variety of basic techniques in both 2D  art. The study of elements and principles of art will be a basic component of this course. Students will be involved in creating art, exploring art history, making judgments through art criticism and developing their own sense of aesthetics.


  1. Develop an understanding of how artists organize elements of design according to formal principles of design to create expressive qualities in their composition.
  2. Students will compare, contrast, analyze and interpret images created by artists, and observe the natural and man-made environment as a frame of reference for making art.
  3. Develop observational skills necessary for drawing three dimensional objects.
  4. Develop drawing to convert three dimensional objects to two dimensional planes.
  5. Develop understanding of the formal elements and principles of design.
  6. Use a variety of art processes through the course of the semester.
  7. Use art history as a reference for personal work.
  8. Plan out ideas through the use of thumbnail sketches.
  9. Students will describe and evaluate components of artwork based on personal judgments and interpret artist’s intention and meaning of work.


Focus: Basic elements and spatial characteristics of the elements contour drawing

Modified contour drawing

Culmination – Imaginative composition, from observation

Focus:  Basic principles of design, composition, value and line quality, accurate observation


Positive/Negative space relationships


HueHue, Value, Intensity


Use hue, value, intensity in a painting

Use particular color schemes

Concentrate on quality of brush stroke

Laying washes – Flat wash, gradated wash, and backruns

Brush techniques – Dry brush and scumbling


Create illusion of space and form
Parallel and two point perspective
Sighting perspective without using vanishing points


Focus: Color, texture, aerial perspective, and illusion of space


Detailed observation(s), drawing objects from the natural and man-made environment


Students will learn how to mat art work.


NC Edit 2016

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