Advanced Painting and Drawing
$5.00 Materials Fee Due
Course Syllabus
This course is intended to enhance student’s abilities in drawing and painting through experimentation in a variety of media. Students will be encouraged to develop their own personal creative vision, while working on refining their artistic skills through traditional studies. Students deal with life drawing and painting in various media. Students also deal with conceptual ideas in art and learn to advance their own problem solving abilities. Students are in self critiques, as well as class critiques. Each student keeps a portfolio of their work. This class is an in depth studio art experience.
Students’ experience will include some of the following: pencil, marker, pen and ink, chalk pastels, oil pastels, charcoals, scratchboards, watercolors, acrylics, tempera, and mixed media. The class setting is similar to an art college studio class.
Introduction to 2D, Drawing, and Painting.
Course Rationale:
This course will enable students to apply their creative skills with a variety of media in developing original and conceptual works of art at an advanced technical level.
Adv. Drawing and Painting Class Objectives:
● The student will be able to create artwork that requires them to select subject matter to communicate personal ideas through a series of original, related works.
● The student will successfully demonstrate the basic steps to final production, preliminary sketches, and examine ideas visually/verbally.
● The student will participate in self critiques, as well as class critiques.
● The student will apply creative skills in developing original/conceptual works of art at an advanced technical level.
Daily Expectations:
The rules and expectations for my class include all school wide rules and the following:
1. Be on time every day ready to work.
2. Be prepared with your sketchbook, pencil, pen and any other supplies needed.
3. Be focused on the project the entire hour.
4. Be responsible for your own materials and artwork. Always clean up after yourself.
5. Be respectful of others, yourself, and any adults in the room. This includes the classroom, projects, materials, opinions, and ideas.
Good attendance is vital to success in all studio art classes as assignments are done during class time. Major projects do not easily transport home during the creative process for makeup work. This requires missing work time to be made up after school. Please make every effort to be in attendance and focused everyday.
Typical drawing and painting supplies are provided. Students are expected to bring a pencil and sketchbook to class daily (Sketchbooks should not be larger than 9x12in size and can be used from previous art classes. They can be purchased at stores such as Walmart, Target, Michael’s etc.)
Care of the Studio space and supplies is an expectation of the students within the class.
Supplies students may choose to purchase for their personal use but are not required:
Prismacolor pencil (24 or 48 set), vinyl eraser, fine and extra fine black sharpie.
Parent Signature:_________________________________________Date:______________
Student Signature:________________________________________Date:____________
Dearborn Public Schools accept a parent’s assertion that he or she needs language assistance
without requiring additional corroboration. For free help with understanding the content of this
document, please call
the Student Services office 827-3005 for translation/interpretation assistance.
. ية ولفهم هذه الستمارة يرجى التصال بمكتب خدمات :Arabic
تؤكد مدارس ديربورن على توفير خدمات الترجمة بدون أي شرط للحصول على هذه الخدمة المجان
827-3005: الرقم عل الطلبFrench : Les écoles de Dearborn vous offrent le service de traduction sans
aucune condition. Si vous souhaitez avoir le service gratuit pour comprendre le contenu de ce
document, prière d’appeler le bureau de Services aux Etudiants 827-3005. Spanish: Las
escuelas de Dearborn aceptan la afirmación de un padre que él o ella necesita ayuda con el
idioma sin necesidad de corroboración adicional. Para obtener ayuda gratuita con la
comprensión del contenido de este documento, por favor llame a la oficina de Servicios de los
Estudiantes 827-3005 para recibir asistencia de traducción / interpretación. Italian: Scuole
Dearborn accettare l’affermazione di un genitore che lui o lei ha bisogno di assistenza lingua
senza bisogno di ulteriori conferme. Per aiuto con la comprensione del contenuto di questo
documento, si prega di chiamare l’ufficio Student Services 827-3005 per la traduzione /
interpretazione di assistenza. Albanian: Shkolla DEARBORN pranojnë pohimin e të prindërve
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827-3005 për përkthim / interpretim ndihmë. Romanian: Scolile orasului Dearborn accepta
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o dovada suplimentara. Daca aveti nevoie sa intelegeti acest document da-ti telefon la oficiul
serviciilor scolare la numarul 827-3005 pentru a primi asistenta cu translatia sau interpretarea
ڈیئر بورن . اسکولوں میں والدین کا دعوی ہے کہ وہ یا وہ اضافی تعاون کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے بغیر زبان امداد کی ضرورت ہے کو قبول کرتے ہیں اس :Urdu. lui
/ دستاویز کے مواد کو سمجھنے کے ساتھ مفت میں مدد کے لئے، براہ مہربانی مدد ترجمہ تشریح کے لئے طالب علم کی خدمات کے دفتر کو کال کریں3005-