
Advanced Photography-Dramatic Portrait – Form

Dramatic Portrait

Terms: Form,  ISO
GOAL: To complete a portrait while adjusting ISO and considering dramatic lighting to show form.

Task: Students will complete a portrait while adjusting ISO and considering dramatic lighting to show form.


  • 3 images
  • Images should each show a different form of dramatic lighting
  • Overall piece should show form
  • Finished images should be in .jpg format


  1. Begin by opening one of your photos.
  2. On the bottom right side, select new layer. Name the layer “gradient”. Hit OK.
  3. Be sure to work on the new top layer when adding the gradient.
  4. If you are unhappy with the gradient, you can delete the layer and start over. This only works if you’ve followed the steps above.
  5. On at least ONE image, apply a gradient.
  6. If you are happy with the gradient you chose, flatten the image. Do this by RIGHT CLICKING THE BACKGROUND LAYER -> SELECT FLATTEN IMAGE.
  1. You can now save your file as a .jpg and submit it.
  2. You can repeat this on the other photos if you choose…as long as at least one photo has an added gradient.

*IMPORTANT: Be sure to always save your file as a .PSD until you are ready to flatten the image and

submit it. If you do not do this and the layers become merged/ image flattened before you’re are

finished, you will not be able to make further changes to those layers.

Video- What are layers in Photoshop?Image result for dramatic lighting in portrait photography


Adding a Vignette in Photoshop.



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