$5.00 Materials Fee Due

Course Syllabus

Students will be provided with the basic fundamental skills necessary to take photos and process black and white film. Proper darkroom techniques will be introduced and practiced for the printing process. Advanced students will explore more specific types of photographic manipulation and processing. Students will learn about photographic elements of art and principles of design, composition, and lighting. They will explore the history of photography, learning about its scientific and technological developments, important innovators in the field, and relevance within diverse cultural contexts.

Students will write and speak about aesthetic, technical and expressive qualities in a photograph, learning to critique their own and others work. Students learn image techniques and digital manipulation using Pixlr online software, teaching them how to archive, organize and optimize their photographs for print or web purposes. Students will learn how to manage and creatively alter digital images as well as critically analyze the use of visual media as a means of communication in our society today. They will be provided a greater level of autonomy, expected to pursue their own interests and develop an individual voice. Students will explore the significance of photography with in the larger context of the art word, and learn about the critical and varied application it has to the modern working world.


Upon Completion of this course, students will:

– Understand technical and aesthetic differences between traditional and digital photography.

– Make informed choices about composition when photographing and editing Traditional and digital images.

– Make informed choices about appropriate technologies for use in a variety of photographic assignments

– Analyze and discuss complex ideas in works of art and photography.

– Create original works of art of increasing complexity and skill that reflect their feelings and point of view.

– Describe the relationship involving the art maker, the process, the product and the viewer.

– Demonstrate proper camera and film processing techniques in production of a work of art

– Understand and utilize the steps in the creative process

– Realize the vast amount of career choices in the visual arts.

-Produce an accomplished portfolio of work.

Possible topics include:


History and Invention in Photography

Lecture and Discussion: Pioneers and Early Techniques

Invention and key terminology

Slide Show

Assignment: Photogram

Assignment: Pin-Hole Camera construction and use


Learning digital Image Manipulation

File Management

Learning the Digital workspace

Toolbar and Option Bar

Image Adjustments

Basic Photo Retouching

Saving and sizing image

Image Output

Photoshop Techniques

Learn a variety of Photoshop techniques

Assignments: Triptychs, Diptychs, Pop Art, Mirror Imagery

Grading rubric, writing critique, peer critique and self assessment


Photographer Research

Discussion, Lecture and Slide Show on photographers past and present

Project:  Photographer Research Project with presentation to share with class

Grading rubric, peer critique, and self assessment

Assignment: Re-create a Photograph Research and evaluate a variety of photography from books, magazines and Internet to generate ideas

Assignment: Re-create an existing photograph

Grading rubric, peer critique and self assessment


Exposure and Light Metering

Learn photography vocabulary: aperture, shutter speed, ISO

Demonstrate proper camera and film processing techniques in production of a work of art

Shooting assignment:  Texture

Quiz, grading rubric, peer critique and self assessment


Lenses and Optics

Learning about focal lengths

Lenses and f stop numbers

Science of Optics



Composition and Learning How to See

Ways to get images with strong composition

Samples of good composition

Shooting Assignment:  Shadows and Light

Shooting assignment:  Alternative camera angles

Shooting assignment:  Framing a subject

Critiquing, analyzing and evaluating photography

Critique Writing

Grading rubric, peer critique and self assessment


Lighting Techniques

Natural vs. Artificial Lighting


Use of Reflectors

Lighting with “hot lights”

Assignment: Natural Light Portrait with reflector

Grading rubric, writing critique peer critique and self assessment


Self Portraits

Learn self-timer camera controls

Explore work by photographers

Realistic vs. conceptual representation

Incorporate words and imagery

Shooting assignment:  Self Portrait with describing words

Shooting assignment:  Conceptual self-portrait

Grading rubric, writing critique, peer critique and self assessment


Blending Art and Photography

Students learn about Surrealism, Pop Art, Cubism, Photomontage, and Photo Painting

Explore the concept of mixing mediums

Assignment:  (DR)Extending a Photograph with Mixed Media

Assignment:  Create a work of Surrealism using Photography, Photoshop and Internet

Assignment: (DR) Cubism: Make a Face


Teacher grading rubric, peer critique and self assessment


Course Objectives:


Upon Completion of this course, students will:

-Refine and improved basic techniques of image exposure,

-Proficiency with and command of Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom

-Master Image compositing and manipulation

-Understand how to use a flash and studio lighting techniques to control and manipulate artificial light

-Apply vocabulary and techniques of selected alternative processes Identify, describe and analyze photographers, styles and genres

-Understand the relationships between multiple images and sequencing of images

-Develop knowledge of various forms of image presentation and understand the impact presentation can have on the meaning of images

-Organize selected images into a final artistic creation in conjunction with a reflective critique process in which the student is able to synthesize his/her conceptual idea, decision-making and final output.

-Create a cohesive body of exhibition quality work that collectively explores an idea or concept and be able to explain the significance of subject, form, presentation and meaning of student’s own work and the work of others.


Sample Assignments

Creative compositions

Photo Series

Mirror Image

External Flash Techniques:

Portraiture (both strobes, on-location, environmental)

Location Lighting

Beauty Retouching

Advertising Photography using strobes or on location

Self Portrait Exploration

Day in the Life of Me Photo Essay

Advanced Painting with light techniques

Theme based photo series

Social Documentary

Action and Motion techniques

Landscape and Nature Photography

Personal and class photography Exhibit


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. ية ولفهم هذه الستمارة يرجى التصال بمكتب خدمات :Arabic
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ڈیئر بورن . اسکولوں میں والدین کا دعوی ہے کہ وہ یا وہ اضافی تعاون کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے بغیر زبان امداد کی ضرورت ہے کو قبول کرتے ہیں اس :Urdu. lui
/ دستاویز کے مواد کو سمجھنے کے ساتھ مفت میں مدد کے لئے، براہ مہربانی مدد ترجمہ تشریح کے لئے طالب علم کی خدمات کے دفتر کو کال کریں3005-