Parents AND Guardians,
Please click on the link to complete the very important survey. Thank you in advance.
Parents and Guardians complete the survey. For translation assistance, parents may call 313-580-2532 Monday June 8th through Friday June 12th 8:30a.m. through 4:30p.m.
School ReOpen Committee Parent Survey #1 you, Maysam, Jane, and David
Who is Dr Theodore Seuss Geisel?

The author and illustrator, Dr Seuss, used his imagination to entertain and educates us all.
This weeks assignments are going to be listed in your google classroom. Please complete lessons on time and submit them through to keep accurate records of your assignements.
Dale Chihuly and the transparency of glass

This week we are going to learn more about the modern artist Dale Chihuly. He is a glass artist and has his art shown all over the world. Please go to your google classroom and find the two lessons for this week.
The “Golden Artist” Gustav Klimt.

Please go to your google classroom and find this weeks lesson on the artist Gustav Klimt. Please watch the video first, answer the quiz questions and be sure to submit. Lastly, for this lesson, follow the directions for the landscape drawing. NO WHITE SPACES SHOULD BE SHOWING.
Getting to know the Artist Frank Lloyd Wright (FLW)

STEP 1. Watch video Called “A LOOK AT FALLING WATER” The video link is on
After you watch the video called “A Look at Falling Water” please take and submit the quiz
The quiz link is also in
You have all been given a digital copy of a very easy step by step reference sheet on how to draw your own house. Further directions are in your class.
Submitting assignments on
Hi Everyone,
Are you having difficulties submitting your assignments online into Teacher reports your file is empty? Here is a great video that walks you through the steps. Hope this helps.
Exploring the Artist Ansel Adams

This week you will be exploring and learning about the most influential American photographer, Ansel Adams. He was born in California in February of 1902 and died in April of 1984. Ansel Adams is best known for his black and white landscape photographs and his conservation efforts to create and save the National Parks in the western part of the United States. Parks like Yellowstone and Yosemite may not be here today if Ansel Adams did not share his amazing works of art.
Please go to your google classroom to complete the two assignments influenced by Ansel Adams.
Artist: Norman Rockwell
Hello art students. This week we will be looking at the famous American Artist Norman Rockwell. We will be responding to 5 different paintings by him and I hope you look into his work further on your own. He was an amazing artist with strong ties to everyday life. He was born in New York City in 1894 and died in 1978 in Massachusetts.
Lessons are assigned today and are due Friday May 1 by 3:00 pm.
Here are the images of the paintings we are going to study. Please go to your classroom google for further directions and as always enter your lessons in in your own file.
The group of four paintings is called “Four Freedoms” by Norman Rockwell , 1943, and the one below is called “The Golden Rule” by Norman Rockwell, 1961).

Painting above is called, “The Golden Rule”, 1961 by Norman Rockwell.