Art Class week of 1-25-16

6th Grade

Student took home sketchbooks, clay masks (last week too), mask paintings and perspective drawings.  The semester is over so your child will go to another exploratory extended core on Monday February 1st.  It is a half day on the 1st and students will go to their Advisory class first and then follow their new schedule.

7th Grade 2D

Students took home sketchbooks, Printmaking unit and Canvas board-acrylic paintings (We have been very busy in class).  The 2D semester is completed and your child will go to another extended core class on Monday 2-1-2016


8th Grade 2D

Students took home sketchbooks on Monday.  We just finished up our Andy Warhol Pop Art.  Your child is now finished with 2D art and will move on to another elective on Monday 2-1-2016.

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Art Class

6th grade

Students finish the last steps to their clay masks by glossing them today.  Students started a new painting using their own mask as inspiration.

Bell work today=Grog



7th grade 2-d Art

Students finished their flag books and turned them in today or earlier.  Students are now wrapping up a printmaking edition using their machine drawings as reference.

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8th grade 2-d Art

Students finished up their insect genre acrylic painting before break.  They worked on and turned in their bird proverb collage.  The current lesson is a cubism still life.  We looked at artists like Cezanne, Gris, Braque, and Picasso for inspiration.

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Thanks for subscribing to the Bryant art blog.  Have a GREAT day.