Artist: Norman Rockwell

Hello art students. This week we will be looking at the famous American Artist Norman Rockwell. We will be responding to 5 different paintings by him and I hope you look into his work further on your own. He was an amazing artist with strong ties to everyday life. He was born in New York City in 1894 and died in 1978 in Massachusetts.

Lessons are assigned today and are due Friday May 1 by 3:00 pm.

Here are the images of the paintings we are going to study. Please go to your classroom google for further directions and as always enter your lessons in in your own file.

The group of four paintings is called “Four Freedoms” by Norman Rockwell , 1943, and the one below is called “The Golden Rule” by Norman Rockwell, 1961).

four freedoms norman rockwell

Painting above is called, “The Golden Rule”, 1961 by Norman Rockwell.

ART GOOGLE MEETS have ALL been canceled until further notice.

Hi Everyone,

There have been some safety issues with using google meets so they have all been canceled until further notice. A memo went out to the community last week making this announcement from the superintendent.

I have set up two google meets per week for the remaining school year. If you need extra help and have a pressing issue that needs to be addressed see me on google meets.

Q: How do I meet with you Mrs. Reynaert?

A: Go to Select JOIN meeting. Enter REYNAERT ART in the window and I will be there to help you. Use this same code every week for meeting times.

Q: When can we meet?

A: Every WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY every week from 12:00 to 1:00 pm-These events are canceled until further notice due to superintendent.

The Color Wheel Challenge

Photo of a color wheel made with found objects from around the house

The idea is simple… gather items in bright, solid colors from around your home, assemble them into color wheel order, and snap a pic! Then send a photo to Mrs Reynaert in your

Here are a few tips I learned while putting my color wheel together…

  1. Start assembling your color wheel as you find things. Pick a spot where you’ll have good lighting for your photo – you won’t want to move it once you have it all assembled!
  2. Using something round as a template is helpful.
  3. I used a round coffee table and stood on our couch to take the picture. But if my color wheel had been any bigger I would have needed a ladder! So keep any size limitations in mind.
  4. I also put a round placemat in the middle to hold that space open and then removed it for the photo. I think that’s easier than trying to make all the colors angle into the middle, but go for it if you’re feeling ambitious!
  5. I liked having brown in the middle, because when you mix all the colors together they make…. brownish gray! But that’s optional, of course.
  6. Make sure you get the colors in the right order (not optional!)…. Just remember ROYGBIV (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).
  7. Check your work by making sure the complimentary colors are across from each other…. red should be across from green, orange across from blue, and yellow across from violet. (Fun fact: If you mix any two complimentary colors together you get brownish gray!)
  8. Take your picture from higher up than you think you need to, holding the camera level, and then crop it to a tight square.
  9. Try not to get too carried away collecting things…. remember, you have to put it all back! 😉
  10. Send the photo to Mrs Reynaert in your

Art is an integral and unique part of a child’s core education, developing curiosity, creativity, critical thinking and problem solving skills through study, creation and reflection.

Nicole Reynaert
Bryant Art Teacher

LEGO Artist voting results

Hi Everyone,

The favorite 1st place artist is: Matt Slagle

The favorite 2nd place artist is: Marcel Bonnici

The favorite 3rd place artist is; John Muntean

The favorite 4th place artist is: Dante Dentoni

The favorite 5th place artist is: Duncan Titmarsh

The favorite 6th place artist is: PJ Catalano

The favorite 7th place artist is: Shari Austrian

The favorite 8th place artist is: Brack Lee

Welcome back everyone!

LEGO’s, LEGO’s, LEGO’s is this weeks topic!

Please go to your classroom to find the lesson. It is due this Wednesday, April 15th! I hope you like the lesson. A lot of you sent in “selfies” with Lego images or talked about Lego’s in your “selfie” explanation.

Step 1. Watch Youtube video

Step 2. Answer the questions in complete sentences.

Step 3. Submit answers in please