Hello art students. This week we will be looking at the famous American Artist Norman Rockwell. We will be responding to 5 different paintings by him and I hope you look into his work further on your own. He was an amazing artist with strong ties to everyday life. He was born in New York City in 1894 and died in 1978 in Massachusetts.
Lessons are assigned today and are due Friday May 1 by 3:00 pm.
Here are the images of the paintings we are going to study. Please go to your classroom google for further directions and as always enter your lessons in classroomgoogle.com in your own file.
The group of four paintings is called “Four Freedoms” by Norman Rockwell , 1943, and the one below is called “The Golden Rule” by Norman Rockwell, 1961).

Painting above is called, “The Golden Rule”, 1961 by Norman Rockwell.