Conferences with Mrs. Bush
11/14 11/20 11/21
4:00 Daysia 4:00 Malayna 4:00 Abby
4:20 4:20 Sydney 4:20 Paulius
4:40 Carlos 4:40 Tyler 4:40 Logan H
5:00 Angelina 5:00 Madelyn 5:00
5:20 Josh 5:20 Mykalyn 5:20
5:40 Indira 5:40 Brooke 5:40
6:05 Lucas 6:00 Mollie 6:00 Maddon
6:25 Gavin 6:20 Logan D 6:20 Anthony
6:45 Emma
If you do not see your child’s name please email me ASAP.
Please be on time as you can see the schedule is very tight.
I do not see a scheduled time for Tommy Draus. I do have a time for Olivia in Mrs. Philpott’s class on Thursday Nov. 14th from 5:00-5:15. If there is any chance you could squeeze us in around or near that time, i would greatly appreciate it. If not, the please let me know when would be convenient. Thank you!
I have an open time at 4:20 on the 14th. Can I put you down for that and come to me first then go to Olivia’s and I can squeeze you in. Can you tell his Dad or should I make another conference time?
Thank you very much. I will tell his dad. Appreciate your help.
Braylon’s brother has conferences on November 20th at 4pm. If there is any way we could coordinate with that I would appreciate it. Please let me know. Thank you.
yes! Please come at 3:40 on Nov. 20.