Lara Elhajj
Joaquin Franco
Ava Kurczewski
Aidan Litton
Alex Petersen
Sophia Tran
Great job Snow Wolves reading through the summer!!! I am so proud of you:)
Lara Elhajj
Joaquin Franco
Ava Kurczewski
Aidan Litton
Alex Petersen
Sophia Tran
Great job Snow Wolves reading through the summer!!! I am so proud of you:)
7/7-7/15 Winners
Sophia Tran
Lara Elhajj
Aidan Litton
Kiera Catris
Manny Head
Adam Litton
Mikaela Bustamante
Wow! Students are working hard this summer reading! Please post some pictures to my blog of what you are reading and doing this summer!
Max Ross Matthew Kujawski
Sophia Tran Ben Ross Ryan Lakis
Joaquin Franko Lara Elhajj Mariam Aun
I am so impressed with how many Snow Students are reading and working hard this summer! I can’t wait to see how your Lexile has increased in the fall.