Join the Library Summer Reading Program

ALL AGES SUMMER READING 2020Starting June 1, patrons of all ages are invited to participate in the Dearborn Public Library’s summer reading program Imagine Your Story. Babies, children, teens, and adults can earn prizes by logging reading times and completing activity challenges. Visit to get started. This year’s program will run through August 22. With current limited library services, prize winners will be contacted with instructions on how to pick up their prizes at a later date.  Dearborn/Dearborn Heights residents who need library cards can apply for a temporary library card while the buildings remain closed in order to gain access to the library’s digital materials and databases. For more information on the library, please continue to check our website and follow us on social media (FacebookInstagramTwitter).
Family Fun All Summer LongPrograms for your whole family.Read to Me (Birth-Kindergarten)♦Earn a free book for every 25 books read (limit 4)♦Complete literacy activities to earn raffle entries for gift cardsReaders (Grades 1-6)♦Earn a free book for every 5 hours read (limit 4)♦Complete activities to earn raffle entries for gift cardsTeens (Grades 7-12)♦Earn a free book for every 5 hours read (limit 4)♦Complete activities to earn raffle entries for gift cards Adults (Ages 18+)♦Earn a free book for every 5 hours read (limit 4)♦Complete activities to earn raffle entries for gift cards Virtual Family Book Club The Dearborn Public Library is hosting its first Virtual Family Book Club for children ages 5-12 and their families, through the social media platform, Flipgrid from June 1-July 2. Book club participants will be able to interact with each other by viewing and responding to video posts. All posts must be approved by the host librarian before they can be viewed by the rest of the book club members. Time spent reading for the book club will count for the summer reading program. To receive the Flipgrid password, families should fill out the registration formCOVID-19: Save Your Story ProjectThe COVID-19 crisis has affected every person in our community. As we live through this historical moment, we hope to save and preserve our community’s personal stories, experiences, and artwork related to Coronavirus, social distancing, and quarantine. We invite you to share your story with us.  There is a separate submission form for Youth (Ages 5-13)Teen (Grades 7-12), and Adult (Ages 18+). Stories and artwork may also be added to the Library’s digital collection or displays. Entries can be submitted anonymously by putting the word “Anonymous” in the name field on the submission form. Submissions will be accepted through October 1, 2020. At the end of this project, we will submit all entries to the Library of Michigan and the Dearborn Historical Museum to provide future historians, researchers, and students with information and data on life in Michigan communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Visit for more summer reading fun!

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Dearborn Public Library at (313) 943-2330, 16301 Michigan Ave Dearborn, Michigan 48126

Summer Work

Dear Parent/Guardian,

       According to Johns Hopkins University, the effects of summer learning loss can result in nearly a three-month loss in grade-level equivalency in math and a two-month loss in grade-level equivalency in reading. 

 As a result of the school shut down, estimates suggest students will return in the fall 2020 with roughly 70% of the learning gains in reading relative to a typical school year.  However in mathematics, students are likely to show much smaller learning gains and in some grades, nearly a full year behind what we would observe in normal conditions. In order to close the summer learning loss gap in reading and math, students should be reading on a daily basis and or completing math activities. Below are recommended reading list/activities. 

Thank you so much for supporting your child’s development through summer learning.

أولياء الأمور و الأوصياء الأعزاء:

بناءً على دراسة لجامعة جون هوبكنز إن  الانقطاع عن الدراسة خلال الصيف  قد يسفر عن تراجع الطالب بما يعادل فترة زمنية قد تصل إلى الثلاثة  أشهر تقريبا من فترة الدراسة العادية في مادة الرياضيات، و الشهرين في مادة القراءة. تشير التوقعات أنه نتيجة لإغلاق المدارس سيعود الطلاب إلى المدارس في خريف  العام الدراسي ٢٠٢٠  بنسبة ٧٠ % فقط مهارات القراءة مقارنة بالمستوى الذين قد يصلون إليه خلال السنة الدراسية النموذجية / الإعتيادية. بينما من المرجح أن يظهر الطلاب نسبة تطور أقل في مهارات الرياضيات وفي  بعض الصفوف ما يقارب من تأخر سنة دراسية كاملة عما نشهده في الأحوال الدراسية العادية.   التخلص من هذه الفجوة التعليمية التي من الممكن أن تنشأ عن حلول فصل الصيف في القراءة والرياضيات، يتوقع من الطلاب إكمال واجبات بيتية صيفية  قبل عودتهم إلى المدرسة العام القادم.

 شكراً لكم على دعمكم ومساندتكم لأبنائكم في إكمال  الواجبات الصيفية .

Snow Suggested Summer Work by Grade:

(Please follow the grade your child was in for 19-20 school year)

Young FivesRead a book (or listen to a book) 15 mins every dayWriting: Practice letter formation for both upper and lowercase lettersPractice first and last nameCount to 100 (by 1’s and 10’s)Play a math game once a week
KindergarteniReady: 30 minutes per week (optional)Writing: 1-2 sentences three times a week in a journalZearn: 30 minutes once a week (optional)Read a book for 15 minutes three times a week (or more!)Play a math game three times a week
1st gradeiReady: 60 min per weekZearn: 60 min per weekRead a book- 15 min per day
2nd gradeiReady: 60 min per weekZearn: 60 min per weekRead a book- 15 min per day
3rd gradeiReady: 60 minutes per weekZearn: 60 min per weekRead: 20 min per day
4th gradeiReady – 60 minutes per weekZearn – 60 minutes per weekRead – 20 minutes per day

Thursday June 11, 2020

June 8, 2020

Dear Snow Families,

On behalf of the Snow Team, we would like to wish every Snow family and safe and relaxing summer break.  We are so proud of how the whole Snow community came together during this difficult period to support our students. Each child is precious to us and we miss them dearly. 

To help our students continue to make progress throughout the summer break, we will be posting suggested summer work. 

Thursday, June 11 is the last ½ day of school for students.  The Snow staff would like to say goodbye to students for summer time by standing along Culver Street at  11:00am on June 11.  Staff will be waving goodbye and sending their best wishes to all Snow students.  We are asking any family that chooses to participate to drive south down Culver at this time and wave to staff and honk their horns! 

As we receive information regarding the 2020-2021 school year, we will be sure to communicate through the district website and our Snow blog.  Have a wonderful break!

The SnowTeam