We made it! The NWEA scores are in and the M-Step is complete! Thank you to the Davis family for donating water for our testers and to every parent who provided healthy breakfasts and snacks, early bedtimes and pep talks! Thanks for supporting our students, staff and school!
Monthly Archives: May 2017
Field Day Shirts $5
The orders for 2017 Field Day T-Shirts are due by this Thursday, May 25. Shirts are $5 each. This is a special order- no late additions, returns, re-orders, or exchanges! There will not be extra shirts to purchase. You do not have to order a shirt to participate. Order forms should be returned to Ms. Zechar. Thanks. Hope to see you at Field Day 2017 on Friday, June 9!!!
Plant Up!
Sunny and warm weather is here! As part of Snow Elementary Leader In Me Program, we are asking you, our fabulous students, to reach out in our community to help others. If you’d like to be a part of the May Plant-Up Club, simply volunteer to help plant-up a neighbor’s, relative’s or your very own yard. “Plant-up” could include helping plant flowers, vegetables, or preparing garden beds for future flowers and veggies. Please be sure to have a parent with you and get permission of the community member before planting up. You are giving back to the community, so please offer to do this free of cost.
Each time you help “plant-up” someone’s yard, write the date and color a square on the chart given to you by your classroom teacher. Once you have helped 5 times in the community, please return this chart to Ms. Krawczyk, Mrs. Bush or Mrs. Grizzell for acknowledgement of your leadership and kindness.
A special thank you to all students who have helped so far: Aasim M., Farah F., Zoe D., Hasan, Kayla J., Ahmad J., Molly S., Ryan R. and Ahmad A.
We NEED You!
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Snow ES and all Dearborn Schools are involved in an ongoing continuous improvement process, of which parents and guardians are an integral part. Snow ES is using the AdvancED Parent Survey as a means to elicit your opinions to help target areas for the school system to improve and areas to continue to be effective. Your opinion is important to us, and we ask that you take the time to complete this survey. The online survey will be available from 5/9/17 to 5/31/17. In order to complete the survey, please click on this link: https://goo.gl/d1CdEp
Please be assured that your responses to this survey will be anonymous and your honest opinions are appreciated. If you have any questions about this survey, please contact your school principal at alcodra@dearbornschools.org or visit the link to Frequently Asked Questions. Thank you in advance for supporting Snow ES improvement efforts.
Your cooperation and support in completing the parent survey will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely,
أولياء الأمور الكرام ،
مدرستنا وجميع مدارس ديربورن في عملية تطوير و تحسين مستمرة و دائمة ،يعتبر خلالها الأهل والأوصياء جزء لا يتجزأ و جوهري لسيرها. نستخدم استطلاع رأي متطور و خاص بالأهالي كوسيلة للاطلاع على آرائهم التي من شأنها المساعدة في استهداف المناطق الفعالة والمؤثرة على سير العملية التطويرية للمدرسة. رأيك مهم بالنسبة لنا،لذا نرجو منكم الاجابة على الاستطلاع لإتمام هذه الدراسة. يتوفر استطلاع الرأي عبر شبكة الإنترنت من 5/9 _5/31 . من أجل إكمال الدراسة، يرجى الضغط على الرابط التالي : https://goo.gl/d1CdEp
نؤكد أن مشاركتكم و اجاباتكم حول هذا الاستطلاع سرية و لن يتم معرفة شخصية من قام بالاستطلاع، و أن آرائكم الصادقة هي موضع تقدير. إذا كان لديكم أي أسئلة حول هذا الاستبيان، يرجى الاتصال بمكتب المدرسة عبر البريد الالكتروني التالي <<alcodra@dearbornschools.org شكرا لكم مقدما على مساندتكم ودعمكم لعملية تطوير و تحسين المدرسة .
نقدر تعاونكم ودعمكم في إكمال هذا الاستطلاع و لكم جزيل الشكر.
مدير(ة) المدرسة
Book Share Sale
I will be selling the rest of the Book Share Books after school this week:) Only $0.50 each!