
Tonight students are bringing home a paragraph they wrote in class about their home.  The paragraph needs to be checked over by a parent and returned to school tomorrow.  The paragraph should:

Begin with a question or onomatopoeia

Correct spelling

Correct capital letters

Correct punctuation

If it is typed extra points will be awarded.


Winter Gear

I have many students who do not have winter coats, gloves or hats.  Please start sending in these items everyday.  If you have “old” coats, gloves or hats please send them in so I can give them to students who need them. Thank YOU!

Habitat for Humanity

Whitmore students will begin donating coins to donate to Habitat for Humanity who has plans to build 6 homes in Dearborn for struggling families.  Our class is very excited about this project and many have volunteered their dads to help build the houses (I had no idea the talented fathers we had!:).

We will make posters this week and work with this project all year long.

If you would like to volunteer with Mr. Cares he needs help with the broadcast team on Mondays from 8:15-9:30 a.m and during our class time on Wednesdays 1-1:45 p.m.  please contact me.

Math Test/Book Log

Please look over and sign the Math test that comes home today.  Please review with your child any mistakes that he/she made and return the test tomorrow.  PART A are the focus objectives and PART B are items we will continue to work on and are not graded on the report card yet.  PLEASE focus on PART A results!


Book Logs are coming home today.  Some students are doing a great job filling it out 5 times per week, some students are not .  Please check this log weekly and ask your child for it to sign!

Fall Celebration

The Fall celebration will be on Oct. 31 from 1-2:15 (We have gym at 2:30).  Anthony’s mom has offered to organize it so if you have any ideas please email me and I will get your phone number/email to her so you can plan together!  Thank in advance for taking this fun learning opportunity on!


Team 208 did a fantastic job today taking the MEAP!  They read carefully and worked so hard, I am VERY proud of each one of them.  Please get a good  rest tonight and one more special breakfast because tomorrow is another MEAP READING day!

A special thank you to Madelyn’s family who brought us M&M treats to enjoy after the MEAP today!


The MEAP test is Tuesday and Wednesday this week.  Please get your child to bed early and give them a healthy breakfast each morning.  The informational book report won’t be given until FRIDAY October 11 and will be due Friday October 18 because of the MEAP and our 3 day break next week (No School October 14-16).

I only gave out 6 Pizza Coupons for book logs today.  I check the logs often and expect them to be completed with 20 minutes of reading 5 times per week. If you are not aware of this log please ask your child about ASAP!  Reading daily is the best way to become stronger readers and in third grade we are reading to learn and must have good reading skills.  The book log is NOT OPTIONAL- it is homework.