Today’s letter for review is Mm. Build the letter using different materials around the house!
Literacy, Writing and Art
The Day I Lost My Superpowers
*Draw a picture of YOU as a SUPERHERO!
Don’t forget our 3 steps:
- Write your name.
- Draw your picture.
- Label your picture.
CHALLENGE: Write a full sentence about your picture!
Number Hop
(Parents prepare activity before starting! Grab paper and a marker and draw numbers 1-10, or 1-20. You can also draw shapes or letters if you choose!)
(See picture below for an idea of what to do.)
*Scatter the number cards around the floor. Call out a number and have your child jump to that card.
*When they get there, they can count to that number!
(Example: If you yell “FIVE!,” they jump to the number five card and yell out, “1-2-3-4-5!” If you do shapes, they can yell out how many SIDES the shape has.)
Move Like the Avengers
*When you’re done, send me a photo! All photos will be shared on Friday so the students can see their friends in action:)
5 to 10 Minutes | Plan for Work Time (Playtime): Build your child’s ability to organize their time by having them make a “plan” with you about what they would like to play with. Children do this everyday with us at school. It helps children learn to organize their thoughts. They will tell you what they are planning to do/want to play with/how they will use toys at home. (“I want to work with blocks-I am going to build a tower and knock it down.”)التخطيط لوقت العمل ( وقت اللعب): ساعد طفلك على بناء مهارة تنظيم الوقت بوضع خطة معهم عن لعبهم. هذا ما كان يفعله كل الطلاب كل يوم في المدرسة. هذا يساعد الأولاد على تنظيم أفكارهم. الأهل أيضا يضعون خطط دائما لتنظيم أفكارهم مثل قائمة التسوق قبل الذهاب إلى المتجر, كتابة القوائم تساعد على تنظيم اليوم….. الأولاد سوف يخبروكم ما هي خطتهم/ ماذا سيلعبون/ مع من سيلعبون/ ماذا سيستخدمون من أدوات في لعبهم. |
1 hr | Worktime/Kids play WITHOUT ELECTRONICS Kids can use toys to pretend play, build, and create. They use their imaginations and play as they choose.وقت العمل : يجب أن لا يستعمل الأولاد الإلكترونيات . يستطيع الأولاد استخدام الألعاب التي تساعدهم في التخيل و البناء و الإبداع |
15 min | Clean Up: Kids clean up the mess they have made while playing.وقت التنظيف: ينظف الأولاد الفوضى التي نتجت عن لعبهم. |
5 to 10 min | Recall: Build your child’s memory of events by having your child tell you what they did while they played (ask “tell me how you did that” or “what did you do next?”) وقت التذكر: بناء ذاكرة الأولاد و مراجعة الأحداث عن طريق جعل طفلك يعيد سرد ما قام به خلال وقت اللعب( اسال طفلك: اخبرني كيف قمت بذلك؟ أو ماذا فعلت بعد ذلك؟) |