Free Meals Over Summer Break!

Dearborn will continue offering free student
meals over summer
ستواصل مدارس ديربورن تقديم وجبات مجانية للطالب خالل فصل
Free student meal distributions will continue throughout
the summer at seven Dearborn Public School sites.
The district has been distributing the free grab-and-go
meals since shortly after the Governor ordered schools to close
in March. That program is slated to end on June 10, which is
scheduled to be the last full day of school in the District.
However, Dearborn Schools received permission to
continue serving free meals through the summer under the U.S.
Department of Agriculture’s Summer Food Service Program.
The summer meal distribution will be once a week on
Wednesdays starting June 17. Food will be handed out every
Wednesday from 10 a.m. to noon at the seven locations. Each
bag will contain seven breakfasts and seven lunches for each
child under the age of 18. Each child will also get a half gallon
of milk.
The distribution locations will continue to be Fordson,
Dearborn and Edsel Ford high schools, Woodworth and Smith
middle schools, Salina Intermediate, and McCollough/Unis
One person can pick up food for any child living in the
home. The child does not need to attend that school.
The District has recently been providing 65,000 grab-andgo meals a week for children in the community. Those meals,
which include lunch and breakfast, are funded through the
U.S.D.A. School Lunch Program. Dearborn used that program
to offer free lunch and breakfast to all its kindergarten through
12th grade students before the school closure in March.
“We know our families appreciate the student meal
distributions, and we are glad to be able to continue to offer
children these meals during the summer months,” said Food
Service Director Jeff Murphy.
سيستمر توزيع وجبات الطعام الطالب المجانية طوال فصل
الصيف في سبعة مواقع من مدارس ديربورن العامة.
تقوم المقاطعة بتوزيع وجبات الطعام المجانية منذ فترة وجيزة
بعد أن أمر الحاكم بإغالق المدارس في مارس. من المقرر أن
ينتهي هذا البرنامج في ١٠ يونيو ، والذي من المقرر أن يكون
آخر يوم دراسي كامل في المنطقة.
ومع ذلك ، تلقت مدارس ديربورن اإلذن بمواصلة تقديم وجبات
مجانية خالل الصيف بموجب برنامج خدمة الطعام الصيفي
التابع لوزارة الزراعة األمريكية.
سيتم توزيع الوجبات الصيفية مرة واحدة في األسبوع أيام
األربعاء ابتداًء من ١٧ حزيران/ يونيو. وسيتم تسليم الطعام كل
يوم أربعاء من الساعة ١٠ صبا ًحا حتى الظهر في المواقع
السبعة. ستحتوي كل حقيبة على سبع وجبات إفطار وسبع
وجبات غداء لكل طفل دون سن الثامنة عشرة. كما سيحصل
كل طفل على نصف غالون من الحليب.
ستستمر مواقع التوزيع في المدارس التاليه: المدراس
الثانويه، فوردسن و ديربورن و ادسيل فورد- والمدارس
المتوسطة وودورث، سميث و سلينا إنترمديت مكولوى /
يمكن لشخص واحد أن ياتي الى أي من المدراس المسماة
أعاله وأخد وجبات الطعام ألي من أوالدكم الذين يعيشون
معكم في المنزل.
قدمت مدارس ديربورن مؤخًرا ٦٥٫٠٠٠ وجبة طعام سريعة
لطالبها. يتم تمويل هذه الوجبات ، والتي تشمل الغداء والفطور
، من خالل A.USD .برنامج غداء المدرسة. استخدمت ديربورن
هذا البرنامج لتقديم وجبة غداء ووجبة فطور مجانية لجميع
الطالب من صف الروضة حتى الصف الثاني عشر .
قال مدير خدمة الغذاء جيف مورفي: “نحن نعلم أن عائالتنا
تقدر توزيع وجبات الطالب ، ويسعدنا أن نتمكن من االستمرار
في تقديم هذه الوجبات لطالب خالل أشهر الصيف”.
Parental Partnership with the School is Crucial Because:
Educators + Parents + Students = Excellent Students and Successful Community
الشراكة بين أولياء االمور والمدرسة أمر في بالغ األهمية ألن: المعلمين + أولياء االمور + الطالب = طالب مميزين ومجتمع ناجح

Transition for Next Year!

Hello Families,

Wishing you all a happy health a fun summer break!

Here are some tasks to work on with your child to make sure they are ready for school in the fall <3 Since we called everyone last week and discussed the transition, we felt that we would share this refresher on our blog. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further please let me know!

Talking to Your Children about Germs, Wearing a Mask and Covid-19

I have included some links and topics to discuss with your children going into the fall school year. If we are in the buildings in the fall it is likely your children will have to wear masks as well as the teachers and staff. Please prepare your children for this, otherwise it can be a bit scary/overwhelming if they do not know what to expect.

Tips for Teaching Children about Wearing a Mask

  • Practice wearing a mask in your house before you go in public
  • Talk with your children about how it feels around their ears and that it might be warm to wear. Let them know it is normal and they will still be able to breathe.
  • Help your child get used to the idea that other people will also be wearing masks by making some for stuffed animals or dolls in your home to wear.
  • Use a simple story to explain the importance of the masks. Use the story to remind your children that the other people wearing masks are doing their part to keep you safe, so we don’t need to be scared or anxious when we see people wearing masks in public.

Resources for Families

Sesame Street Caring Communities: Health Emergencies: Ready Rosie: Healthy at Home:  Available in English and Spanish: When I have to wear a mask social story: Someone without Touching: Children feel worried: Children feel worried in Spanish: 

Highlights @ Home

Highlights shares weekly posts of activities you can do during the summer with your children.

  • Puzzles to Solve
  • Stories to Read
  • Active Play Ideas
  • Crafts to Make
  • Ideas for Community
  • Writing, Drawing and Conversation Prompts

To navigate and find more lesson, check their website each week or you can use the arrow at the top of their webpage.

PBS Kids

Click on the link below to explore PBS Kids Learning Resources; virtual field trips, educational shows, learning prompts, and writing activities.

The Dad Lab: Science Experiments

We have used the DadLab throughout our virtual learning, feel free to revisit some experiments or try something new!

Cosmic Kids: Yoga, Meditation and Storytelling with Movement

We have also used Cosmic Kids throughout our virtual journey, if your children loved a video go ahead and revisit it, or explore something new!

Super Simple Songs

Here is the channel Super Simple Songs, as we discussed last week, the more nursery rhymes and songs your child learns before Kindergarten the better they will do with reading!

Art for Kids Hub

Here is the Art for Kids Hub, we have had a lot of positive reviews from parents when using these in our lessons! Explore the page and create

What’s Up Moms: Kids Tips and Activities

Here is the playlist of different Tips and Activities to do with your children. We have done a few of her videos in our lessons and the kids LOVED them!

Read Alouds with Michelle Obama and PBS Kids

Here are the playlists of PBS Kids videos with Michelle Obama as a guest reader.

Wayne RESA GSRP YouTube Channel

Videos of at home learning and ideas throughout the GSRP family

Thursday, June 4th

This will be the final activity post of the school year! I will continue to post resources next week! Mrs. Ahmed or myself will be calling you today or tomorrow to do a final check in.

Literacy and Writing

Think back on our preschool year… what is your favorite memory? Playing outside on the playground/snow, going to the gym and riding bikes, making new friends, going to the Science Center, having the Critter Guy and firefighters visit our classroom? Whatever it is…draw a picture and write about it!

Literacy and Math

Watch the book below! Think of some things you may do and learn in Kindergarten! Make a list of three things…challenge 5 things!


5 to 10 MinutesPlan for Work Time (Playtime):  Build your child’s ability to organize their time by having them make a “plan” with you about what they would like to play with.  Children do this everyday with us at school.  It helps children learn to organize their thoughts. 
They will tell you what they are planning to do/want to play with/how they will use toys at home. (“I want to work with blocks-I am going to build a tower and knock it down.”)التخطيط لوقت العمل ( وقت اللعب): ساعد طفلك على بناء مهارة تنظيم الوقت بوضع خطة  معهم عن لعبهم. هذا ما كان يفعله كل الطلاب كل يوم في المدرسة. هذا يساعد الأولاد على تنظيم أفكارهم. الأهل أيضا يضعون خطط دائما لتنظيم أفكارهم مثل قائمة التسوق قبل الذهاب إلى المتجر, كتابة القوائم تساعد على تنظيم اليوم….. الأولاد سوف يخبروكم ما هي خطتهم/ ماذا سيلعبون/ مع من سيلعبون/ ماذا سيستخدمون من أدوات في لعبهم.
1 hrWorktime/Kids play WITHOUT ELECTRONICS  Kids can use toys to pretend play, build, and create. They use their imaginations and play as they choose.وقت العمل :  يجب أن لا يستعمل الأولاد الإلكترونيات . يستطيع الأولاد استخدام الألعاب التي تساعدهم في  التخيل و البناء و الإبداع 
15 minClean Up:  Kids clean up the mess they have made while playing.وقت التنظيف: ينظف الأولاد الفوضى التي نتجت عن لعبهم.
5 to 10 min Recall:  Build your child’s memory of events by having your child tell you what they did while they played (ask “tell me how you did that” or “what did you do next?”) وقت التذكر: بناء ذاكرة الأولاد و مراجعة الأحداث عن طريق جعل طفلك يعيد سرد ما قام به خلال وقت اللعب( اسال طفلك: اخبرني كيف قمت بذلك؟ أو ماذا فعلت بعد ذلك؟)

Wednesday, June 3rd

Today’s letter for review is Mm. Build the letter using different materials around the house!

Literacy, Writing and Art

The Day I Lost My Superpowers

*Draw a picture of YOU as a SUPERHERO!

Don’t forget our 3 steps:

  1. Write your name.
  2. Draw your picture. 
  3. Label your picture.

CHALLENGE: Write a full sentence about your picture! 


Number Hop

(Parents prepare activity before starting! Grab paper and a marker and draw numbers 1-10, or 1-20. You can also draw shapes or letters if you choose!)
(See picture below for an idea of what to do.)

*Scatter the number cards around the floor. Call out a number and have your child jump to that card. 

*When they get there, they can count to that number! 

(Example: If you yell “FIVE!,” they jump to the number five card and yell out, “1-2-3-4-5!” If you do shapes, they can yell out how many SIDES the shape has.)


Move Like the Avengers

*When you’re done, send me a photo! All photos will be shared on Friday so the students can see their friends in action:) 


5 to 10 MinutesPlan for Work Time (Playtime):  Build your child’s ability to organize their time by having them make a “plan” with you about what they would like to play with.  Children do this everyday with us at school.  It helps children learn to organize their thoughts. 
They will tell you what they are planning to do/want to play with/how they will use toys at home. (“I want to work with blocks-I am going to build a tower and knock it down.”)التخطيط لوقت العمل ( وقت اللعب): ساعد طفلك على بناء مهارة تنظيم الوقت بوضع خطة  معهم عن لعبهم. هذا ما كان يفعله كل الطلاب كل يوم في المدرسة. هذا يساعد الأولاد على تنظيم أفكارهم. الأهل أيضا يضعون خطط دائما لتنظيم أفكارهم مثل قائمة التسوق قبل الذهاب إلى المتجر, كتابة القوائم تساعد على تنظيم اليوم….. الأولاد سوف يخبروكم ما هي خطتهم/ ماذا سيلعبون/ مع من سيلعبون/ ماذا سيستخدمون من أدوات في لعبهم.
1 hrWorktime/Kids play WITHOUT ELECTRONICS  Kids can use toys to pretend play, build, and create. They use their imaginations and play as they choose.وقت العمل :  يجب أن لا يستعمل الأولاد الإلكترونيات . يستطيع الأولاد استخدام الألعاب التي تساعدهم في  التخيل و البناء و الإبداع 
15 minClean Up:  Kids clean up the mess they have made while playing.وقت التنظيف: ينظف الأولاد الفوضى التي نتجت عن لعبهم.
5 to 10 min Recall:  Build your child’s memory of events by having your child tell you what they did while they played (ask “tell me how you did that” or “what did you do next?”) وقت التذكر: بناء ذاكرة الأولاد و مراجعة الأحداث عن طريق جعل طفلك يعيد سرد ما قام به خلال وقت اللعب( اسال طفلك: اخبرني كيف قمت بذلك؟ أو ماذا فعلت بعد ذلك؟)

Incoming Preschooler Applications

Dearborn schools GSRP will be handing out applications at Cotter Early Childhood Center,on Wednesday, June 3and Thursday, June 4 from 12 to 2 PM. We are located at 13020 Osborn. Please come in off of Osborn and wait in line as you come through the bus loop. You do not need to exit your car a staff member will be out there to assist you.If you currently have an application and all your information that is needed with the application continue to look on our website and other social media for upcoming registration dates.

Tuesday, June 2nd

Literacy and Math

Today’s letter to review is Ll! Please watch the story below. Count, write down or draw (challenge…do all three) the different animals or things you hear and see throughout the story that begin with the letter Ll.

Literacy and Movement


5 to 10 MinutesPlan for Work Time (Playtime):  Build your child’s ability to organize their time by having them make a “plan” with you about what they would like to play with.  Children do this everyday with us at school.  It helps children learn to organize their thoughts. 
They will tell you what they are planning to do/want to play with/how they will use toys at home. (“I want to work with blocks-I am going to build a tower and knock it down.”)التخطيط لوقت العمل ( وقت اللعب): ساعد طفلك على بناء مهارة تنظيم الوقت بوضع خطة  معهم عن لعبهم. هذا ما كان يفعله كل الطلاب كل يوم في المدرسة. هذا يساعد الأولاد على تنظيم أفكارهم. الأهل أيضا يضعون خطط دائما لتنظيم أفكارهم مثل قائمة التسوق قبل الذهاب إلى المتجر, كتابة القوائم تساعد على تنظيم اليوم….. الأولاد سوف يخبروكم ما هي خطتهم/ ماذا سيلعبون/ مع من سيلعبون/ ماذا سيستخدمون من أدوات في لعبهم.
1 hrWorktime/Kids play WITHOUT ELECTRONICS  Kids can use toys to pretend play, build, and create. They use their imaginations and play as they choose.وقت العمل :  يجب أن لا يستعمل الأولاد الإلكترونيات . يستطيع الأولاد استخدام الألعاب التي تساعدهم في  التخيل و البناء و الإبداع 
15 minClean Up:  Kids clean up the mess they have made while playing.وقت التنظيف: ينظف الأولاد الفوضى التي نتجت عن لعبهم.
5 to 10 min Recall:  Build your child’s memory of events by having your child tell you what they did while they played (ask “tell me how you did that” or “what did you do next?”) وقت التذكر: بناء ذاكرة الأولاد و مراجعة الأحداث عن طريق جعل طفلك يعيد سرد ما قام به خلال وقت اللعب( اسال طفلك: اخبرني كيف قمت بذلك؟ أو ماذا فعلت بعد ذلك؟)

Monday, June 1st


Today’s letter for review is Kk! Use your side walk chalk and draw something that starts with a Kk.

After listening to all of the Pigeon stories, choose one of the following activities to do in your journal:

  1. Draw about your favorite pigeon story and tell me why you liked it
  2. Can you make up your own story about something silly pigeon might do?
  3. What would you say to pigeon if he was trying to get you to let him skip his bath, or drive the bus?


Wash out an egg carton and write the numbers 0 through 11 in the bottom of each egg spot (see picture). Then use two small objects, like pom poms, 2 fruit loops, 2 legos, etc. put them inside the egg carton and shake, shake, shake! Open the egg carton and add up the numbers where the pieces landed!

Write it on a piece of paper as you go, you can draw dots/lines to help you add as you go! You can even use coins, cereal or other object to help you add the numbers together.


5 to 10 MinutesPlan for Work Time (Playtime):  Build your child’s ability to organize their time by having them make a “plan” with you about what they would like to play with.  Children do this everyday with us at school.  It helps children learn to organize their thoughts. 
They will tell you what they are planning to do/want to play with/how they will use toys at home. (“I want to work with blocks-I am going to build a tower and knock it down.”)التخطيط لوقت العمل ( وقت اللعب): ساعد طفلك على بناء مهارة تنظيم الوقت بوضع خطة  معهم عن لعبهم. هذا ما كان يفعله كل الطلاب كل يوم في المدرسة. هذا يساعد الأولاد على تنظيم أفكارهم. الأهل أيضا يضعون خطط دائما لتنظيم أفكارهم مثل قائمة التسوق قبل الذهاب إلى المتجر, كتابة القوائم تساعد على تنظيم اليوم….. الأولاد سوف يخبروكم ما هي خطتهم/ ماذا سيلعبون/ مع من سيلعبون/ ماذا سيستخدمون من أدوات في لعبهم.
1 hrWorktime/Kids play WITHOUT ELECTRONICS  Kids can use toys to pretend play, build, and create. They use their imaginations and play as they choose.وقت العمل :  يجب أن لا يستعمل الأولاد الإلكترونيات . يستطيع الأولاد استخدام الألعاب التي تساعدهم في  التخيل و البناء و الإبداع 
15 minClean Up:  Kids clean up the mess they have made while playing.وقت التنظيف: ينظف الأولاد الفوضى التي نتجت عن لعبهم.
5 to 10 min Recall:  Build your child’s memory of events by having your child tell you what they did while they played (ask “tell me how you did that” or “what did you do next?”) وقت التذكر: بناء ذاكرة الأولاد و مراجعة الأحداث عن طريق جعل طفلك يعيد سرد ما قام به خلال وقت اللعب( اسال طفلك: اخبرني كيف قمت بذلك؟ أو ماذا فعلت بعد ذلك؟)