The parade has been moved indoors and is now at 2:00.
Month: October 2018
As you all know this coming Wednesday, October 31st is Halloween. I know most of your children want to come to school in their costumes just as their siblings; however, our program does not allow this. I am asking that no child be sent to school wearing a costume. Fun headbands or Halloween themed shirts would be just fine but no costumes. We will be taking part in the whole school parade at 2:45. I will allow the children to dress-up using the classroom dress-up if they so choose. Please let me know if you do not wish to have your child take part in the parade. Thanks you in advance for your cooperation and understanding!
Week 7
This week the children focused on the changing of the season. We discussed the changes we saw both outside and inside. The children talked about the temperature change as well as the changing of the leaves. Because of this we decided to go for a nature walk around the block to collect some materials and bring them back to class to discuss. Once we were done, they created a collage which is hanging in the hallway.
Third Grade Reading Law
Below is a link that explains the third grade reading law. This law will effect your child.
Week 6
I would like to thank everyone for attending our monthly parent meeting this past Thursday. Please continue to work with your child at home on the things discussed at the meeting such as name writing, putting on and zipping their coat and cleaning up after themselves. Please remember to send your child with a winter jacket, hat and gloves.
A friendly reminder that picture say is this coming Tuesday, October 23rd. Our class usually is the first to go around 9. Please complete and return your child’s picture day envelope by that time. Also, I do not have change and neither does the office so please prepare the envelope with the exact amount of money owed at home and turn in in no later than Tuesday morning.
Lastly, I have been having some technical difficulties getting my pictures from one device to my blog. The problem is being worked on but for now I cannot post any pictures here. So for those of you that signed up for remind, I will do my best to send you any picture I took this week of your child.
Week 5
This past week we started focusing on a letter of the week which was Tt. Everyday we did something with the letter T such as looking at the difference between upper and lowercase, watching videos, making the T sound, drawing the letter T, reading books about the letter T as well as making our own letter T book. As an extension of this, an activity sheet was sent home for you to complete with your child. Please take the time this weekend to look around your house or just think up words that begin with the letter T such as tiger, tea, toothbrush and have your child write the word and draw a picture of the word. It is very important that you child does the work. They will be presenting it to the class on Monday! This activity sheet will be sent home every Thursday focusing on the new letter of the week.
I also want to remind everyone that this coming Thursday, October 18th we will be having our mandatory monthly meeting starting promptly at 8:40. Please note that your preschool child must be with you and you and your child leave at the conclusion of the meeting. It is not a regular day of school.
Week 4
This week we had the Fire Department visit our class. The children were taught about fire safety as well as given a tour of both a fire truck and an ambulance. Please continue the conversation with your child about fire safety and be sure to have an emergency plan set in place at home!
This week, we also continued our understanding of Daily 5 and practiced reading to ourselves throughout the room. Please continue reading nightly with your child!
Lastly, the children continued exploring the classroom materials all while making new friends!