First Day of School!

Folder.Monday الإثنين

_wM7ogSLp61-CBtnekBNjTcCJdtP88MIAUhA0mZDzyE_JE-D-drchaGD4IzPJxmKubS9GgrTY_zE-V_UdEhz-wb9IGetAZKgK87B9xYvgIH4ioOBApjC25gVJeeA85RgwVbPNiRKMessage Board رسالة المجلسWatch the morning message by clicking here: Morning Message Always do this FIRST!  
mFht1mtaz69-OynvaLmbcp1nPu8ryPysya_LxCqCzNT81SmGcDZNnjsAevunz4FGF748C8IfZlpmaGmaSwy5LcFEeVoJ9WPuFl1HOXrnuvGR2992_lZdpO1ZM7yqViZ_1y_f1N0sToday’s Zoom Schedule: جدول التكبير اليوم:Link to Meeting: 
10:00: Hamza
10:30: Aya
11:00: Hassan
11:30: Hussein
zC0y0V0HNz0kweAL8c0362PAswov3S6Y7-hr2vmjq5cTagfMbpBEeVDdkMbAp7nzTnZdtorWb_MPVpVLEbGHr_xNzRq-aFDOwwep5mVY24gahlkcnxZ3nSCCV7PO6_L0GlZ32zMoStory Time وقت القصةRead a story with a grown up or older sibling! 
Watch and listen to the story of the day. Click the link below! 
The Night Before Preschool
QOuF4Xhp_4UzR4VhCCtYXfDlsOdUf4obilT4C5FjnE5EfvDprHF5_wRoRlMaXadf-kSXX49xxD77rdku3wu7vAZeiX5GCzBSIgWxMBmhNxl-aXfuxYKDk75SE9VnY4pIL575OJImWriting Time وقت الكتابةPractice writing your name EVERYDAY for
about 5 minutes! 
* Parents, this maybe just one letter a day, or a
first name, etc. meet your child at their level!
zvb4ajNvObiwFULIotf2xJVO3You_dqus5lSbVOwA3JIpTjXD-QjjZ_5t-krBscV6rLNSxMHVpw2zmJRiQmW204TQF_9u0i9_qMGX48xW8wipqDvXYc-gi_ZV5TXKLE_cKTRYTFtMusic & Movement الموسيقى والحركةSong: ABC Song Pop See Ko, dance and follow along!
BW4gg21xZ7zh7I3ydmcYegUSjeNln_grulrc70RAnvnC9rsGo7CHF-UQW6zYYD0tQET0FgFPbqjnL8IuvmxD_ev_izTqm_bWYJGvuTnYjX_d7xd0xLDLjv2cgakgdG_EjX3FezK8fhusWEY8-vP6mMP-P9MkUH9tHOOxeuvGH4Y2WF6WbkWiESax_DNdfo1Ys26LLKgtX6xyrUxn_X6MGMj9ZHxHwOTBZB3DpS5qU73kZZtKHYuS3TXXUYl_u3K3FfuIF249NjfeoA5OPlanning time التخطيط: What will you play today? What might
you do? How will you do it? Are you going to play with toys
or use your imagination? Talk with your grown up about what
you plan to do!
Work time لعب الاختيار الحر: Free choice play, no technology,
60 mins or more! Have Fun!
BZ6vmMn-MqZOyYt3uCA7E5kBTlRwhA6bdWeCuFUXkQGzrEPUrQwEPkm7pSqM2bgk8lLYR8w6FhvMUgc71mp1OYrGiEb2CvyRgiz5cNEo7N745zp9Zb5QdJ0hJq2nYbU6i5bn894vCp8Dvf8SvjHuPYXVO9__9nVOkyJ2LMXxH9i6yk-cF-cYKQlMbJSh4QFJcGiBVw0FnyQwqdIKjXm8SaPVUptb_LiTu9158lUmM1bkxNj6x9qQ97n5UnL4e8yMPqbP_tGU6nOEuHGRClean up time نظف: Be sure to put away all the toys and
supplies you used during work time. 
Recall time تذكر: What did you do during work time? What
did you enjoy or not enjoy? What could you do differently?
Talk with your grown up about what you did during work time. 
7tT-7ubCz2EioqjioFKzen8J8dOPglhYybQsL5satJ52ya7HkMAjiOvBS6kf7DYWCRx5d76L23cCIkuCrLPrnrTbqJyFD5YrYWINth-QZpisaTup6XRM_tkXP4ymM-tnhEk9TaGsOutside Time في الهواء الطلقGo outside and PLAY! -draw with chalk if you have some-take a walk with an adult -ride your bike -play tag or hide n go seek -bounce a ball 
svHnJdkcgM9GKHVxZbLUL9C2x4uMYYS8IzB61RlpXRwiIz8vgyTu4KvisoZxilxYTWwPGTyn4x_AHDEGQFQqHVnDEIpPnDT8m_oHgg8SmMHycbRNJkSHINX4QGvmzS2Yl4epJCJnDaily To-Do Task مهام يومية: Materials: 1st page of journal (use the back of the first one) and crayons or pencil 
 Draw a picture of yourself. This is called a self portrait. Only YOU should be in the picture. Look in a mirror to help you if you need to! Remember to turn to the first page of the Journal. Please only use the first page, if you would like to continue coloring, use other paper!  *Parents: allow your child to draw it how they want. I am not looking for perfection, I am looking to see what they can do for themselves.   You will be using the journal and the crayons to make your self portrait! Click the video link to watch Mrs. Hancock explain the lesson.  سوف تستخدم المجلة و.أقلام التلوين لرسم صورتك الذاتية! اضغط على رابط الفيديو لمشاهدة السيدة هانكوك وهي تشرح الدرس   

Get out your journal and crayons.   
2. Turn to the first page of the Journal, and draw a line to divide the paper in half.
Draw a picture of yourself on the top of the page.
Try to write your name or draw your letter link on the bottom.
When you’re finished, click the microphone picture below to take a video or record your voice telling us about your picture! Family note:The picture may be scribbles, lines, shapes, or look like a person. It is ok if your child’s picture is not perfect, we want to see what they can do on their own!)

 Be sure to upload a picture or video into the “Submit Assignment” area on the right side of your screen. Thank you!