Important Meeting on Friday, October 25th

Dear Parents,On Friday, October 25, at 9:00 a.m. we will be holding an important parent meeting in the gym. Members from the Superintendent’s office will be coming to Becker to present on the BRICS Bond Proposal that will be on the November 5th ballot. We highly encourage you to attend this very important meeting.  

الأهالي الكرام،

 سيعقد اجتماع مهم للأهالي يوم الجمعة الموافق 25 أكتوبر ، الساعة 9:00 صباحًا في صالة الرياضة. سيأتي أعضاء من مكتب المشرف على مدارس ديربورن إلى بيكر لتقديم اقتراح بوند  البريكس الذي سيكون ضمن الأنتخابات في 5 نوفمبر. نحن نشجعكم بشدة على حضور هذا الاجتماع المهم للغاية.

Week of 10-7

This week the children worked on building their fine motor skills by doing different activities such as cutting and tearing pieces of paper to make art! Activities such as these are easy to do at home and will help your child build their hand muscles which in turn will help them later with holding a pencil and writing!

We also went on a nature walk around the neighborhood!

Week of 10-1-19

This week were were very busy !!! The firefighters came and visited the classroom. They talked to the children about fire safety as well as showed them all the parts of a fire truck. As a follow up to this activity, please talk to your children about fire safety, 911, and stop drop and roll. Also, please check all your smoke detectors to make sure they are working properly. Lastly, make a plan with your family on where to meet outside of the home in case of a fire.

Because of the rainy weather, the children were able to experience going to the gym rather than outside!

The children were also introduced to the playdoh this week! Playdoh is a great way to help build your child’s hand muscles which in turn will benefit them later in writing and many other areas.

Lastly, the children started Daily 5. This is a part of our daily routine where the children are being introduced to a variety of ways to read. They were each given a reading bag containing two books. These bags should be brought back to school everyday.