Week 5

This week we introduced Read to Someone.  During Daily 5 the children are now able to choose a partner to read their books to. 


Which apple is your favorite? Red, Yellow or Green? We found out this week that green is the favorite in our class!  The children were given the opportunity to taste the three different apples. We talked about their differences and similarities such as texture and flavor. Then each child voted by writing their name in the appropriate column.  Please see the completed chart hanging in the hallway outside of our classroom door.

Parent Survey

This survey consists of two questions to collect parent feedback on the possibility to pilot year-round school concept in one or two elementary schools. One of the arguments for year-round schooling is that children will have better knowledge retention versus having too much of a mental break in the summer. School calendar would be extended to include additional four weeks in the summer. Please click on the link to share your feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/vtnCmpKQYcd6Q4jK2


يتألف هذا الاستقصاء من سؤالين لجمع آراء أولياء الامور بشأن إمكانية تجريب مفهوم المدرسة على مدار السنة في عدد صغير من المدارس الابتدائية. إحدى فوائد التعليم المدرسي على مدار السنة هي أن الطلاب يحافظون على متابعة التحصيل العلمي خلال الصيف. إذا قمنا بتنفيذ هذه
الخطة سيتم تمديد التقويم المدرسي ليشمل أربعة أسابيع إضافية في الصيف
   :يرجى النقر على الرابط لإكمال سؤالين حول مفهوم المدرسة على مدار السنة

Week 4

With one month under our belt, the children have settled into the routine of school. They have slowly taken on more roles within the classroom.  As discussed at the last parent meeting, we have been working on developing independence. Here are some pictures of what it looks like in school.


We also took a walk around the neighborhood to look at the changing colors!

Week 3

This week we started our letter of the week.  Each week the children will learn about a new letter. This week was Ff. We are discussing the difference between uppercase and lowercase, how to write the letters and what sounds they make. Each Thursday your child will be sent home with a homework activity. Please take the time to complete the activity with your child.  The idea is for you and your child to think of or find things in your home that begin with that weeks letter. Then have your child draw a picture of it on their paper as well as write the word.  Please encourage your child to do the drawing and writing!! For instance, write the word fish and draw a picture of one! The children will be presenting their homework to the class every Monday.

During small group and work time, the children built letters using connectors. This activity helped the children understand the what makes a letter (straight lines/curved lines) as well as letter identification.


Week 2

What a busy week!!

The firefighters visited our class to talk to the children about fire safety. They also showed us the inside of an ambulance and fire truck!

Next the children were introduced to paint as well as the water table.  What are they learning while painting? Painting allows children the ability to express their imagination while building their fine motor skills as well as hand eye coordination. These are essential skills needed in the future for writing!

And what about the water table? Here they are learning about volume and measurement as they pour water into different sizes of containers and funnels. They are also learning to work cooperatively with their classmates!

Fun in the Gym!! Here they are developing their gross motor skills as well as learning how to play cooperatively with others!