Meals for kids

Dear Becker Parents,
Becker School will be distributing chromebooks on Friday, March 20 at 1:00 pm. This is the final day to pick up a chromebook if you have not yet received one. We are only loaning one Chromebook per family. Please email your child’s teacher if you plan on coming to Becker to pick one up tomorrow at 1:00pm. Thank you!
Zahra Zreik
Becker Elementary
The Dearborn Public Schools is offering an emotional support hotline in order to provide support to students/families who are experiencing anxiety, fear and stress in this time of crisis
Families contacting the hotline by phone or email will recieve follow up contact by a school counselor, social
worker or psychologist.
Families can contact the hotline at:
or by email at:
Please Call 911in the event of an emergency
Hi Parents!
I know we are all nervous, confused, and wondering what is coming next. Please try to stay calm and do not let your little ones see you worrying. They are too young to know about this situation-just explain it in very easy terms and do not let them understand in too much detail where they will become scared.
I will be sending information mostly through Remind. This is the easiest/quickest way and most parents only follow that mode of communication. Please look for activities that I will be sending out daily and I will also be sending private messages checking in on your child’s goals and what not.
Please continue to practice the following items with your child. We do not want them to lose all they have worked so hard to gain:
*Name Writing
*Color Recognition
*Shape Recognition
*Letter Recognition (Upper and Lowercase)
*Counting to 30 and Number Recognition
*Counting items up to 20
*USING MANNERS! Saying “please, thank you, excuse me, etc.”
We look forward to seeing you again on April 13th. Until then- I will talk to you soon:) Stay healthy and enjoy the extra bonus time with your little angels.
Dear Dearborn GSRP Families,
With the latest COVID-19 pandemic now infiltrating Michigan it is best we stick to the facts and don’t pay attention to all of the “false” news on social media, but instead educate ourselves and parents regarding the science behind the virus. Please access the Wayne County Health Department at the following URL for the most up to date information:
I also want to share the steps that we are continuing to take in each of the GSRP classrooms to support a healthy environment for our students.
Good hygiene practices will help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases. Please follow these recommendations and encourage all family members to do the same.
The following resources were shared by the district administration team to support parents in discussing COVID-19 with their children. Please click on the links below to review these documents.
Talking to Children about COVID-19
Helping Children Cope with Stress due to the COVID-19 Outbreak
The health and safety of our students is always our first priority. We will continue to share information on the school blog as it becomes available. Additional information is also available on the district’s website.
Mrs. Modica