Month: April 2020
Dearborn Schools offers a Free Preschool Program GSRP is a free program for all eligible families and is designed to give a high quality preschool experience prior to Kindergarten. Eligibility is primarily based on family income (federal poverty level), life experiences and child’s age. If your child’s birth date is between December 2, 2015 to December 1, 2016, your child may qualify for this program. If you would like to be sent information about registration for the 2020-2021 school year please fill in the GSRP Interest Form 2020-2021 and someone will contact you as we start the registration process. If you have any other questions please email Amy Modica تنبيه الى جميع الأسر التي لديها طفل يبلغ من العمر أربع سنوات مدارس ديربورن تقدم برنامج مرحلة ما قبل المدرسة المجاني GSRP هو برنامج مجاني لجميع الأسر المستحقة ويهدف إلى إعطاء تجربة ما قبل المدرسة جودة عالية قبل الروضة. يعتمد الأهلية في المقام الأول على دخل الأسرة (مستوى الفقر الفيدرالي) ، وتجارب الحياة وعمر الطفل. إذا كان تاريخ ميلاد طفلك بين 2 كانون الأول 2015 إلى 1 أيلول 2016 ، فقد يكون طفلك مؤهلاً لهذا البرنامج. إذا كنت ترغب في أن يتم إرسال معلومات حول التسجيل للسنة الدراسية 2020-2021 ، يرجى املاء نموذج GSRP 2020-2021 وسيتصل بك أحد الأشخاص عند بدء عملية التسجيل. إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة أخرى ، يرجى إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى Amy Modica
Thursday, April 30th
Writing and Science!
Field trip today! Watch this video of a zoo in Australia! After you finish the video, draw and write about your favorite animal. What does it look like? Where does it live? What does it like to eat?
Using the dice you made yesterday, roll one dice and find the matching number on the other dice! Challenge: you need 6 pennies, paper and a pencil! Once you match the numbers, count out that many pennies and write the number word. Example: If you roll a five, find the other dice with the number 5 on it, count out five pennies and write the word five!
Letter Xx Videos
5 to 10 Minutes | Plan for Work Time (Playtime): Build your child’s ability to organize their time by having them make a “plan” with you about what they would like to play with. Children do this everyday with us at school. It helps children learn to organize their thoughts. They will tell you what they are planning to do/want to play with/how they will use toys at home. (“I want to work with blocks-I am going to build a tower and knock it down.”)التخطيط لوقت العمل ( وقت اللعب): ساعد طفلك على بناء مهارة تنظيم الوقت بوضع خطة معهم عن لعبهم. هذا ما كان يفعله كل الطلاب كل يوم في المدرسة. هذا يساعد الأولاد على تنظيم أفكارهم. الأهل أيضا يضعون خطط دائما لتنظيم أفكارهم مثل قائمة التسوق قبل الذهاب إلى المتجر, كتابة القوائم تساعد على تنظيم اليوم….. الأولاد سوف يخبروكم ما هي خطتهم/ ماذا سيلعبون/ مع من سيلعبون/ ماذا سيستخدمون من أدوات في لعبهم. |
1 hr | Worktime/Kids play WITHOUT ELECTRONICS Kids can use toys to pretend play, build, and create. They use their imaginations and play as they choose.وقت العمل : يجب أن لا يستعمل الأولاد الإلكترونيات . يستطيع الأولاد استخدام الألعاب التي تساعدهم في التخيل و البناء و الإبداع |
15 min | Clean Up: Kids clean up the mess they have made while playing.وقت التنظيف: ينظف الأولاد الفوضى التي نتجت عن لعبهم. |
5 to 10 min | Recall: Build your child’s memory of events by having your child tell you what they did while they played (ask “tell me how you did that” or “what did you do next?”) وقت التذكر: بناء ذاكرة الأولاد و مراجعة الأحداث عن طريق جعل طفلك يعيد سرد ما قام به خلال وقت اللعب( اسال طفلك: اخبرني كيف قمت بذلك؟ أو ماذا فعلت بعد ذلك؟) |
Wednesday, April 29th
Literacy and Art Activity
After watching the video above, grab a piece of paper and either a pencil or some crayons and get ready to draw! Following the video below, draw your own alligator! Send me some pictures!!
In your supply bag I dropped off yesterday, you should have two plain cubes. Using a marker, have your child make ONE into a dice by adding the dots. One dot on one side, two on another, three on another, four on another, five on another and six on the last side! Remember only do this for ONE of the cubes. Below are the instructions for the second cube!!

On the second cube, write the actual numbers on each side 1-6. We will use these for future activities!!

Letter X Videos
5 to 10 Minutes | Plan for Work Time (Playtime): Build your child’s ability to organize their time by having them make a “plan” with you about what they would like to play with. Children do this everyday with us at school. It helps children learn to organize their thoughts. They will tell you what they are planning to do/want to play with/how they will use toys at home. (“I want to work with blocks-I am going to build a tower and knock it down.”)التخطيط لوقت العمل ( وقت اللعب): ساعد طفلك على بناء مهارة تنظيم الوقت بوضع خطة معهم عن لعبهم. هذا ما كان يفعله كل الطلاب كل يوم في المدرسة. هذا يساعد الأولاد على تنظيم أفكارهم. الأهل أيضا يضعون خطط دائما لتنظيم أفكارهم مثل قائمة التسوق قبل الذهاب إلى المتجر, كتابة القوائم تساعد على تنظيم اليوم….. الأولاد سوف يخبروكم ما هي خطتهم/ ماذا سيلعبون/ مع من سيلعبون/ ماذا سيستخدمون من أدوات في لعبهم. |
1 hr | Worktime/Kids play WITHOUT ELECTRONICS Kids can use toys to pretend play, build, and create. They use their imaginations and play as they choose.وقت العمل : يجب أن لا يستعمل الأولاد الإلكترونيات . يستطيع الأولاد استخدام الألعاب التي تساعدهم في التخيل و البناء و الإبداع |
15 min | Clean Up: Kids clean up the mess they have made while playing.وقت التنظيف: ينظف الأولاد الفوضى التي نتجت عن لعبهم. |
5 to 10 min | Recall: Build your child’s memory of events by having your child tell you what they did while they played (ask “tell me how you did that” or “what did you do next?”) وقت التذكر: بناء ذاكرة الأولاد و مراجعة الأحداث عن طريق جعل طفلك يعيد سرد ما قام به خلال وقت اللعب( اسال طفلك: اخبرني كيف قمت بذلك؟ أو ماذا فعلت بعد ذلك؟) |
Tuesday, April 28th
Name Hop
*Gather enough paper plates to write one letter on each plate to spell your name.
* Write each letter of your name on the paper plates. (Example: The name in the picture is Avery, so they have five plates.)
*Line up the paper plates and hop to each plate yelling out the letter in your name.
CHALLENGE: Do your first name AND last name.
Letter X Video!
Comparing Names
*Write your first name. Below your name, write the names of everyone in your house! (Mom, Baba, sisters, brothers, Grandma,etc.)
*Compare the names. Count the amount of letters in each.
(Who has the MOST letters, the LEAST letters, a name with a lot of lowercase “a”, etc.)
CHALLENGE: Do this with FIRST and LAST names.
CHALLENGE #2: Show the amount of letters in your name on a ten frame.
5 to 10 Minutes | Plan for Work Time (Playtime): Build your child’s ability to organize their time by having them make a “plan” with you about what they would like to play with. Children do this everyday with us at school. It helps children learn to organize their thoughts. They will tell you what they are planning to do/want to play with/how they will use toys at home. (“I want to work with blocks-I am going to build a tower and knock it down.”)التخطيط لوقت العمل ( وقت اللعب): ساعد طفلك على بناء مهارة تنظيم الوقت بوضع خطة معهم عن لعبهم. هذا ما كان يفعله كل الطلاب كل يوم في المدرسة. هذا يساعد الأولاد على تنظيم أفكارهم. الأهل أيضا يضعون خطط دائما لتنظيم أفكارهم مثل قائمة التسوق قبل الذهاب إلى المتجر, كتابة القوائم تساعد على تنظيم اليوم….. الأولاد سوف يخبروكم ما هي خطتهم/ ماذا سيلعبون/ مع من سيلعبون/ ماذا سيستخدمون من أدوات في لعبهم. |
1 hr | Worktime/Kids play WITHOUT ELECTRONICS Kids can use toys to pretend play, build, and create. They use their imaginations and play as they choose.وقت العمل : يجب أن لا يستعمل الأولاد الإلكترونيات . يستطيع الأولاد استخدام الألعاب التي تساعدهم في التخيل و البناء و الإبداع |
15 min | Clean Up: Kids clean up the mess they have made while playing.وقت التنظيف: ينظف الأولاد الفوضى التي نتجت عن لعبهم. |
5 to 10 min | Recall: Build your child’s memory of events by having your child tell you what they did while they played (ask “tell me how you did that” or “what did you do next?”) وقت التذكر: بناء ذاكرة الأولاد و مراجعة الأحداث عن طريق جعل طفلك يعيد سرد ما قام به خلال وقت اللعب( اسال طفلك: اخبرني كيف قمت بذلك؟ أو ماذا فعلت بعد ذلك؟) |
Monday, April 27th
Literacy: This weeks letter is Xx. Please have your child find or think of something that starts or ends with the letter X. Such as fox, box and x-ray! Then grab some paper and crayons…draw and write the word! Don’t forget to send me a picture!! Below is the video for the day…it may help you think of words with an X.
Math: Build shapes using crayons, toothpicks or anything you can find in your house. Count the corners and the sides and compare!
Tomorrow I will be stopping in Cotter and Becker to pick up some materials. After, I will be dropping off some materials on to your porch around 2:15/30. I can wave to the kids from the door but please keep them inside! If you need any materials in particular please let me know before 1:00 tomorrow and if I have it I will get it for you! Also, if you have moved please send me your new address!!
Week of April 20th
Thank you to all the families who have been working with their children during this difficult time! Here are some pictures of the work I have received! Keep it up and continue to send pictures please!!
Ramadan Mubarak!
Ramadan Mubarak to everyone celebrating!
Food Pantry Today!
Thursday, April 23rd
Please send me pictures of your child completing these activities!
- How many letter c’s can you find in the sentence below? Count the letter c’s you see and write that number 5 x’s!
The crazy caterpillar went crawling along the crisp cool coconut.
2. We’re doing lots of things with the Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle this week. Let’s listen to the story one last time.
Now that we’ve listened to the story a couple of times it’s time to see what we remember! For this activity you will need paper and crayons/markers.
Assignment | Challenge | Challenge Challenge! |
Have your child draw any three things they can remember from the story WITHOUT LOOKING at the book or videos. | Have your child draw the beginning, middle and end of the story WITHOUT LOOKING at the book or videos. | Have your child draw 4 things they remember from the story in the order they happenend WITHOUT LOOKING at the book or videos. |

3. Read together for 20 minutes, have your child describe what they are seeing in the pictures.
4. Put your coat on and play in the backyard or go for a walk! If you can’t, get your body moving with some Cosmic Kids yoga storytelling.
Don’t Forget About Work Time
5 to 10 Minutes | Plan for Work Time (playtime): Build your child’s ability to organize their time by having them make a “plan” with you about what they would like to play with. Children do this everyday with us at school. It helps children learn to organize their thoughts. Adults make plans all the time to organize their thoughts (shopping lists are made before going to the grocery store, to do lists are made to help plan your day etc..). Kids will tell you what they are planning to do/want to play with/how they will use toys at home. التخطيط لوقت العمل ( وقت اللعب): ساعد طفلك على بناء مهارة تنظيم الوقت بوضع خطة معهم عن لعبهم. هذا ما كان يفعله كل الطلاب كل يوم في المدرسة. هذا يساعد الأولاد على تنظيم أفكارهم. الأهل أيضا يضعون خطط دائما لتنظيم أفكارهم مثل قائمة التسوق قبل الذهاب إلى المتجر, كتابة القوائم تساعد على تنظيم اليوم….. الأولاد سوف يخبروكم ما هي خطتهم/ ماذا سيلعبون/ مع من سيلعبون/ ماذا سيستخدمون من أدوات في لعبهم. |
1 hr. | Work Time: Kids play WITHOUT ELECTRONICS Kids can use toys to pretend play, build, and create.وقت العمل : يجب أن لا يستعمل الأولاد الإلكترونيات . يستطيع الأولاد استخدام الألعاب التي تساعدهم في التخيل و البناء و الإبداع |
15 min | Clean Up: Kids clean up the mess they have made while playing.وقت التنظيف: ينظف الأولاد الفوضى التي نتجت عن لعبهم. |
10 min | Recall: Build your child’s memory of events by having your child tell you what they did while they played (ask “tell me how you did that” or “what did you do next?”)وقت التذكر: بناء ذاكرة الأولاد و مراجعة الأحداث عن طريق جعل طفلك يعيد سرد ما قام به خلال وقت اللعب( اسال طفلك: اخبرني كيف قمت بذلك؟ أو ماذا فعلت بعد ذلك؟) |
Lunch or Dinner | Prepare lunch: have your child help you prepare lunch. They can help with cooking/setting tables- whatever seems appropriate for the meal time.تجهيز وجبة الطعام: اعط الفرصة لطفلك بمساعدتك بتجهيز الغداء. الأولاد يستطيعون المساعدة بالطبخ/ تجهيز الطاولة- |
Here are two videos on the letter of the week Ii!
Have a great weekend! I will post all pictures sent to me tomorrow! I look forward to seeing them all!