I wanted to remind all families that Monday, May 14 at 2:00 is our Trike-A-Thon. Please bring your child to school at the normal time in the morning. We are asking for parents to bring their child’s bike or scooter and helmet to school at 2:00. We will gather on the blacktop in the playground area. Because Ramadan is approaching quickly, we thought during the trike-a-thon we could celebrate and bring food to share with the other families in our class. The school will be providing pizza for the children. Also, please be sure to bring a drink for both you and your child. Lastly, I wanted to let everyone know that the fun fair for the rest of the school (K-5) will also be going on at this same time. It had to be reschedule form this past Friday due to bad weather. We will try our best to keep it separate. PRESCHOOL IS NOT ALLOWED ON/IN THE BOUNCE HOUSES. This is a liability due to their age. Thank you for your cooperation. Hope to see you there!
Month: May 2018
Week of May 7th
Just a friendly reminder that preschool is off all next week (May 7-10). Mrs. Ali and I will be doing home visits as well as completing applications for next years preschoolers. We look forward to seeing you on Monday, May 14th!