Independent Practice:
Use any of these videos to help you practice with one pt perspective. Complete them in your sketchbook for grading.
Dearborn Public Schools
Posted by Niki Cassidy On September 9, 2019
Independent Practice:
Use any of these videos to help you practice with one pt perspective. Complete them in your sketchbook for grading.
Posted by Niki Cassidy On March 13, 2019
GOAL: students will take a picture of a hand/s. It can be their own or belong to someone else. Then, they will research other images to combine with the hands to create a surrealistic composition. Multiple elements and principles will be used, with a focus on unity, proportion, space, and contrast.
– take a picture of your own hands or those of someone else
– look for additional images that can be combined with the hands in an interesting way. images can be from the internet, your own photos, or other sources.
– using surrealism as your foundation, combine all of your collected images.
– lightly draw the composition on brown kraft paper in regular pencil.
– use black and white color pencils to shade your images. do not mix the black & white. value and contrast are essential in this assignment.
Videos to help>>>>
Posted by Niki Cassidy On March 12, 2018
GOAL: students will be provided a still life composition that focuses on reflective objects. students will apply all of the elements of art to complete this drawing: line, shape, form, texture, color, value, and space. reflective surfaces: still life
Process Steps
– observe the still life.
– determine how to arrange all of the items on your paper, utilizing the entire space.
– lightly draw the still life – sketch lines or general shapes to represent each item.
be sure all objects are represented before finalizing each item.
– shade each object to best represent the texture, highlights, and shadows. contrasting values will be necessary to successfully represent the reflective surfaces.
Posted by Niki Cassidy On February 5, 2018
In order to improve your figure drawing you must practice. Here a few videos to help you and to offer different approaches to drawing the figure:
Drawing the Clothed Figure:
Here are some two minute poses to practice:
Happy Drawing