End of 1st Term

Friday, October 30, 2020 is the end of the first term. Look for information about parent teacher conferences being held on Zoom during the second week of November.

  • You can see the overall grades in student connect (parent connect.)
  • You can see the individual assignments by clicking on grades in Schoology.

Student were informed by email last Tuesday (10/20) that all late work is due by Wednesday, October 28th.

  • Weeks 2-4 are locked because they are too old to make up.
  • Weeks 5-7 can be turned in late until Wednesday (10/28.) These assignments will be locked at that point.
  • Week 8 grades will be in student connect by Monday afternoon. Any late work for week 8 is also due by Wednesday if you want it reflected on the report card.

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Info for the start of school

Parents and students should check their email over the weekend for information about your schedule and virtual learning. Students will have a live Zoom advisory meeting they need to attend on Monday morning. The Zoom link will be included in the email.

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Please remember that I have posted multiple times that grading will be a bit different during the period of schools being shut down. The grade book reflects the standard grading scale that we use nomally. An adjusted grade scale will be used for marking period 4 final grades. I will make the ajustment when I enter grades for report cards.

All late work turned in has been entered into student connect. I did go through and enter half points for any scores below 50% on assignments # 7-13. These were the required assignments and will count against a student’s grade if they are missing. (Assignments #1-5 and #14 do not count against students if they are missing so I did not enter half credit.)

Thank you to the families that provided so much support for their kids during the last 3 months of learning from home. Over half of my students currently have A’s and B’s which shows how much hard work you all did at home!

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Important parent survey from Dearborn Schools

We are asking for your input. Please take a few moments to take this important survey.

School ReOpen Committee Parent Survey #1 https://forms.gle/DNx3eN8hcRpXsfSs5

Arabic Version School Reopen Committee Dearborn Public Schools  Parent Survey:
استطلاع رأي أولياء أمور مدارس ديربورن الرسمية الخاص بلجنة إعادة فتح المدارس 1 حزيران \يونيو 2020بدأت الولاية و قطاعنا التعليمي المناقشة المعقدة والمفصلة حول إمكانية إعادة فتح المدارس للسنة الدراسية 2020-2021. يجري هذه المناقشات خبراء في التعليم والعمليات والصحة العامة والنقل والخدمات الغذائية والرياضة والعديد من المجالات الأخرى التي تعد جزءًا من عمل أيرقطاع مدرسي. يرجى العلم أن أي خطط وضعتها / تضعها مدارس ديربورن الرسمية ستحتاج إلى الالتزام بالتوجيهات والأوامر التنفيذية الصادرة عن الحاكمة.

لتبني هذه الخطط على مستوى القطاع نحن بحاجة إلى أرائكم القيمة. يرجى الرد على الاستطلاع بحلول 7 حزيران/ يونيو 2020.استطلاع أولياء الأمور الخاص بلجنة إعادة فتح المدارس 2020 

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Last chance to improve grades!

This weekend is the last chance for students to improve their grades. All late work is due by Monday, June 8th.

I have graded and entered all late work turned in by about 11 am Friday. Some students turned assignments back in without completing or fixing them. That will not earn them any more points.

Here is what was in an email I sent out this morning to students who still have to fix and complete assignments over the weekend:

Hi, you have one more weekend to work really hard and bring up your grade in science class.  You need to look at student connect for assignments you received a low grade on and go into google classroom to see why you received that grade.  

See if you need to fix the google doc answer sheet and turn it back in.  (I probably left you a comment about what was wrong.) See if you forgot part of the assignment such as the google forms assignments.  Turning work in that you did not complete or fix will not magically earn you more points.

All of the video lessons are still available in the slides posted with assignments each week.  Watch the video lessons so you know what to do to fix or complete the assignments.

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This week: Late work and Assignment #14

The main task this week is for kids who are behind to fix, complete, and turn in assignments they lost most of the points on. Comments have been left as I have been grading so kids who only received half credit know what to fix before turning completed assignments back in. All late work is due by Monday, June 8th.

Because assignment # 1-5 were from the period of enrichment work they do not count against kids who missed them. To avoid confusion about which assignments really count, I deleted assignments #1-5 from google classroom. You should be focusing on assignments # 6-13 at this point. Assignments #6-13 are from the required new learning period of work so will count against your grade if not completed.

Several students have everything turned in and have received most of their points. Others might only have one assignment to fix. For this reason, an optional assignment about cell organelles was posted in google classroom for this week. Assignment #14 is not required and will count as extra credit.

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Important note from Ms. Hassan’s Blog


Students need to follow the posted schedule next week to come and pick up their belongings from their locker. Please open the document in this post and read it. Students must come at assigned times with a parent. Everybody needs to stay in their car and parents will need to show ID to get the belongings. Students and parents will not be entering the building. We have already bagged up and labeled the contents of all the lockers.
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Assignment #13

This week’s work was posted on Tuesday morning and is due Friday.

All the directions, links, and video lessons are in the slides. The work goes in the google doc and google forms link.

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Important post from Ms. Hassan

This is a link to an important post on the school blog  https://woodworth.dearbornschools.org/2020/05/21/student-personal-item-distribution-schedule/

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Assignment #12

Oops! Assignment #12 was posted last Sunday and is due today (Thursday.) The kids have to get into the videos through their school account. The video lessons will not play from a non DPS account. The one I posted on the blog had different settings. Our science program is copyrighted material so I can not make the video lessons public.

No school Friday and Monday so enjoy the long weekend.

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