Students should be finishing up their asynchronous assignments! Today, they had assignments from their Core 3 and Elective classes posted on Schoology and/or emailed to them. They must complete each assignment by 11:10am to be marked present. Please remind them to email their teachers if they have any questions!
Tuesday, September 1st Assignments
It was great meeting with you today! I sent out the email with the 2 assignments that are due today.
I just realized the link on the last slide of the presentation to the What do I need to do? Quiz was wrong. I emailed you the correct link and updated the link in the presentation. Sorry for the confusion!
We will meet again tomorrow on Zoom 8:15am-8:40am. If you have trouble getting to our meeting, call Tech Support 313-827-8400. Also, practice going on Schoology. Starting tomorrow you will have your assignments posted in your courses.
Monday, Aug 31st Assignment
Welcome back! It was great meeting with you today. We will meet again tomorrow on Zoom 8:15am-8:40am. If you have trouble getting to our meeting, call Tech Support 313-827-8400.
Most of you already finished your assignment for today. Excellent job! For the few who haven’t, check your school email to access the assignment and turn it in before noon to receive credit.
Welcome 6th Graders!
Advisory-Advisee (A2) teachers sent out emails today about student Learning Expectations for the week of August 31st. Please check your school email! You have Zoom Live sessions Monday-Thursday 8:15am-8:40am next week with your A2 teacher. The link to their Zoom Live sessions is in the email they sent you today. Here is an overview of what Woodworth Middle School will be doing next week: Woodworth Middle School-Week of August 31st.