This week: Late work and Assignment #14

The main task this week is for kids who are behind to fix, complete, and turn in assignments they lost most of the points on. Comments have been left as I have been grading so kids who only received half credit know what to fix before turning completed assignments back in. All late work is due by Monday, June 8th.

Because assignment # 1-5 were from the period of enrichment work they do not count against kids who missed them. To avoid confusion about which assignments really count, I deleted assignments #1-5 from google classroom. You should be focusing on assignments # 6-13 at this point. Assignments #6-13 are from the required new learning period of work so will count against your grade if not completed.

Several students have everything turned in and have received most of their points. Others might only have one assignment to fix. For this reason, an optional assignment about cell organelles was posted in google classroom for this week. Assignment #14 is not required and will count as extra credit.

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