New Schedule!
Ms. Hassan has changed our schedule in 6th grade to make it easier to follow each day.

We will go over this schedule on MONDAY in A2!
Welcome Back! Happy 1st Full Day
Welcome back, Hornets! I was so happy to (virtually) see all of you today! How exciting! Please make sure you’re checking your emails. I know we send out a lot, but they’ll help you stay organized as we get moving with our school year.
1st Assignment: You finished an assignment (All About Me Week 1) last week as a “test assignment”. I’ve graded, made comments, and sent this assignment back to you *IF* you clicked “submit” to turn it in, and it was COMPLETE. If you missed one of those steps, please go back and make corrections and submit your assignment by the end of the week.
If you have any questions let me know!
9/2/20 Plans
Hi Hornets!
Tomorrow is Wednesday, 9/2. Here’s our plan!
You will attend LIVE ZOOM CLASS for your A2, just like you’ve done the past two days. THEN you will log on to and complete work for your 3rd Core and Elective classes. You can find this information on the schedule your A2 sent out, or on your student connect.
Please reach out if you need help!
Welcome to Woodworth!
A2 students can find their FIRST online assignment here! We will be going over these slides on Monday morning at 8:15am in our first Zoom meeting. Please check your emails for sign in information!
If you forgot your email password over the summer you can call: 313-827-3003
I’m so excited to meet you all! I can’t wait to see you Monday!