November 04, 2020
Parent-Teacher conferences are on November 9th and 11th, from 3:20pm to 7:00pm.
Please sign up!
See you then!
Posted in Blogs by Joel Garcia with no comments yet.
September 03, 2020
Thank-you so much for a great first week!
Thank-you for logging in each day through zoom and please continue to log in everyday at 8:15am to continue to learn important information in advisory.
See you on Tuesday to begin our math lessons
Enjoy the holiday break!
Posted in Blogs by Joel Garcia with no comments yet.
August 11, 2020
To help you get to khan academy, please follow these steps;
2.) student portal
3.) clever
4.) At the top of main page, you will see a section called “teachers pages” click on your math teachers page.
5.) “Khan app” to begin practicing.
Posted in Blogs by Joel Garcia with no comments yet.
July 24, 2020
Here are the steps to help you continue your 480 minutes on Khan Academy
1.) Go to the Dearborn Public Schools homepage
2.) Go to Student Portal
3.) Type in URL and click enter
4.) Your name or ID number will appear on the top right corner of your screen, if not, follow the steps prompted.
5.) Make sure you are using your Dearborn school´s gmail account and NOT your personal account.
6.) If you can not view your minutes, your teacher will be able to retrieve the information in the fall.
**This will be your first formative grade in the Fall
Posted in Blogs by Joel Garcia with no comments yet.
June 18, 2020
Enjoy your summer break!
Please complete 480 minutes of Khan Academy, please go in through “Clever” each time
This will be your first formative grade in 7th grade
Starting date: June 9, 2020
Ending date : September 11, 2020
Below is the grade breakdown by minutes for Math.
480+ minutes A
384 – 479 B
336 – 383 C
288 – 335 D
Again, have a great summer!
Posted in Blogs by Joel Garcia with no comments yet.
June 09, 2020
Dear Parent(s),
Every year, billions of dollars in federal funding go to hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, and other resources based on census data.
For a better future of our city, schools, and students , please click on the link now and fill out the census. It only takes a few minutes from your time to make a difference.
Complete the Census application here:
Joel Garcia
Posted in Blogs by Joel Garcia with no comments yet.
June 06, 2020
We are asking for your input. Please take a few moments to take this important survey.
School ReOpen Committee Parent Survey #1
Arabic Version School Reopen Committee Dearborn Public Schools Parent Survey:
استطلاع رأي أولياء أمور مدارس ديربورن الرسمية الخاص بلجنة إعادة فتح المدارس 1 حزيران \يونيو 2020بدأت الولاية و قطاعنا التعليمي المناقشة المعقدة والمفصلة حول إمكانية إعادة فتح المدارس للسنة الدراسية 2020-2021. يجري هذه المناقشات خبراء في التعليم والعمليات والصحة العامة والنقل والخدمات الغذائية والرياضة والعديد من المجالات الأخرى التي تعد جزءًا من عمل أيرقطاع مدرسي. يرجى العلم أن أي خطط وضعتها / تضعها مدارس ديربورن الرسمية ستحتاج إلى الالتزام بالتوجيهات والأوامر التنفيذية الصادرة عن الحاكمة.
لتبني هذه الخطط على مستوى القطاع نحن بحاجة إلى أرائكم القيمة. يرجى الرد على الاستطلاع بحلول 7 حزيران/ يونيو 2020.استطلاع أولياء الأمور الخاص بلجنة إعادة فتح المدارس 2020
Posted in Blogs by Joel Garcia with no comments yet.
May 22, 2020
We hope this post finds all of you in good health! We wanted to share with you our plans on distributing your child’s personal items from their lockers. Our staff will collect, label, and bag your child’s personal belongings left in their school locker. We have set schedules in place for distribution. Distribution of student personal items will be off of Hubbard St. at door number # 7. This will be one way traffic only on Hubbard facing Greenfield just like we did for chromebooks. Please see the link to the document for our schedule. Schedule :
Posted in Blogs by Joel Garcia with no comments yet.
May 02. 2020
Please contact me from Monday through Friday from 8am to 12pm for an immediate response.
My email is:
You may contact me on our google classroom
Posted in Blogs by Joel Garcia with no comments yet.
April 22, 2020
Who needs a chromebook?
Chromebooks will be able to be picked up and borrowed on Monday, April 27th from 12pm to 2pm.
Please go to Woodworth if you need one to complete your school work!
Posted in Blogs by Joel Garcia with no comments yet.