Please remember that I have posted multiple times that grading will be a bit different during the period of schools being shut down. The grade book reflects the standard grading scale that we use nomally. An adjusted grade scale will be used for marking period 4 final grades. I will make the ajustment when I enter grades for report cards.
All late work turned in has been entered into student connect. I did go through and enter half points for any scores below 50% on assignments # 7-13. These were the required assignments and will count against a student’s grade if they are missing. (Assignments #1-5 and #14 do not count against students if they are missing so I did not enter half credit.)
Thank you to the families that provided so much support for their kids during the last 3 months of learning from home. Over half of my students currently have A’s and B’s which shows how much hard work you all did at home!