Field day is being moved to tomorrow due to rain and storms on Wednesday.
Your child needs to bring a towel and disposable water bottle. (frozen bottles work great on hot days)
We will spend the morning outside doing station rotations and then in the afternoon the fire truck will be coming. The kids can get wet with the fire truck as it sprays us in the back parking lot.
**Due to bathroom space issues we will not be able to change after the fire truck. You can either take your child home after the event (around 2:30) OR we will play on the playground after until we dry off. If you take your child home please check out with your teacher!!!!
Wednesday – Clean up Day, make sure your child comes to school with an empty backpack to clear out their stuff.
Thursday – Electronics Day, bring your electronic to school OR use a chromebook.
Bring a bag of candy if you can. We want to make a class candy salad, we will all partake of this delicious treat.
Friday – Half Day of school
Your child is bringing home their module 5 and 6 Apply books to practice over the summer. If they return to school with those books completed, I will give your child a prize.
If your child is NOT in summer school, he or she is coming home with our One Book One School book choice, a blue backpack, a summer practice book, and summer activity ideas. Enjoy!
Take a look at the natural disaster presentations your child put together. 🙂