Healthy Snack DAILY
Our lunchtime is at 12:30 p.m. and we have snack when your child gets hungry. Each child is responsible for bringing in his/her own healthy snack. These snacks should be separate from lunches so they can be grabbed quickly.
(No fruit snacks or veggie chips – save those for lunch please). The students are not allowed to share snack. We are ALWAYS a peanut/nut free classroom.
Some favorites:
Fresh fruit, vegetables, cheese/crackers, pretzels, popcorn, cheese sticks
I strongly encourage your child to bring a refillable water bottle every day to keep at their desks. (Please make sure those are not disposable … when those spill it ruins everything in the desks.)
PLEASE make me aware of any allergies that your child has.
Montessori Arrival Procedures:
Montessori students may begin arriving at 8:00 for breakfast. Staff will help students enter the school. Parents will not be permitted to walk students to class. Kindergarten, First, and Second Grades will use Door 18 for arrival (the small lot off of Ann Arbor Trail near the office). Grades 3-5 will enter at door 20 near Warren Rd. Younger siblings may be dropped off and picked up with older siblings at door 20as well. Students will be dismissed from the same doors as drop-off. Please drive slowly in the parking lot and pay attention.
Dismissal Procedures:
Students will be dismissed at the same doors that they are assigned for arrival. Younger siblings will be dismissed with their older siblings if applicable. Please pull all the way forward in the pickup lanes and use extreme caution when pulling in or out of the lanes. As students are dismissed they will fist bump their teacher signaling permission to go to their vehicle. This needs to be done promptly or the line cannot move. For a safer and more efficient dismissal, If you wish to socialize, please use a designated parking space to park your car. The upper elementary lot is also our bus loop for special education students. If arriving early, please do not wait in the bus zone.
Regular School Hours:
8:25-3:20 (half-days 11:30)
Birthday Options
We would like to stay consistent with birthday celebrations across grade levels. Below are some ideas and recommendations from the teachers.
*Make sure to notify teachers 24 hours before your plans.
*Store bought food items with labels so we can identify any allergies.
*Bring individual treats like cupcakes or cookies for the class.
*Please send in napkins or plates to serve the item on.
*Make sure to pay attention to any allergies in your child’s classroom (some rooms are peanut/tree nut free).
*Your child’s class will sing happy birthday to them if they would like.
* Your teacher can send a picture of your child celebrating with their friends, upon request.
Not allowed anymore: cakes, candles, pizza, juice, balloons, goody bags.
Thank you for understanding. We want to celebrate your child, but also do not want to distract the classroom environment from learning that day.
Howe Montessori Staff