This week, we are testing i-ready. We will test i-ready reading tomorrow and continue with math as needed this week.
This week, our reading logs are nonfiction. I’ve sent home Scholastic News for your child to read and use for their reading log. The articles are available on google classroom, which your child knows how to get to. The online versions will read aloud to them if wanted, this counts as reading too. Use multiple articles or one article for the reading log this week.
We are on unit 5 week 2 in ELA, which is also nonfiction, we will be creating an opinion piece of writing during this unit on self driving vehicles. This week, in Social Studies we will be starting and working on the 3 branches of government, we started on the legislative branch today. Next week in Science, we will continue our Vision and Light unit which is looking at animal senses.
In Math, we began Module 3 and continue the next 8 weeks with multiplication and division. I would like the students to bring their module 6 books back to class and we will keep them safe here until we can get back to module 6.
This month our SEL topic is Optimism, please check out the details on the blog page which you can find above. If you have any questions, send me a message.
Monday – Read for 10 minutes, fill out Summary Reading Log, spelling menu, Math HW2: 15-16: 2-9
Tuesday – Read for 10 minutes, fill out Reading Log, spelling menu
Wednesday – Read for 10 minutes, fill out Reading Log, spelling menu, 3:21-22: 1-8
Thursday – Read for 10 minutes, fill out Reading Log, spelling menu
Friday – Read for 10 minutes, fill out Reading Log if needed, Math HW4: 29-30:3-5
Early Release Tuesday