This week’s homework schedule – EVERY NIGHT READ for 20 minutes/100 minutes per week, mark it on your bookmark:
5.13: Monday – Read for 20 minutes and mark it on your bookmark
5.14: Tuesday- Read for 20 minutes and mark it on your bookmark
5.15: Wednesday – Read for 20 minutes and mark it on your bookmark, Math Review Module 4
5.16: Thursday – Read for 20 minutes and mark it on your bookmark, Math Module 4 Test
5.17: Friday – Read for 20 minutes and mark it on your bookmark, Math Apply p. 7: 1-3
5.13 – 5.17: variant vowel /ar/: aware, fairly, tearing, compare, stairway, swearing, rarest, repaired, careful, declare, beware, stared
No paper Spelling Menu today because my printer was acting up. Follow the on this page and 4th grade Spelling Page to do work please.
Late ELA work needs to be completed and returned by Wednesday, May 15. Check your child’s folder to see if there is work that needs to be completed.
Our Spring Concert is TUESDAY and we are all very excited to perform. All parents, family and friends are invited to attend the evening performance on Tuesday, May 14, 6:00 p.m. We anticipate the performance to last 90 minutes or so. Students in grades Kindergarten thru 5th grade will perform. You can look forward to hearing the K, 1st, & 2nd grade students sing some delicious songs together. Then the 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade students will sing some songs followed by a Recorder Playoff. Who will be the last person standing on the risers at the end? We will end the evening with a performance by our 5th grade Band and Violin students.
Please have students dress nicely (however, keep in mind that the students are sitting on the floor when they are not performing) and have them at the school by 5:45 p.m. They will sit in concert line order on the gym floor.
Thank you to those of you who have volunteered to work at the PTA bake sale and bracelet tables and who have volunteered to assist with keeping our students organized and safe during the concert. If you have any questions please email Mrs. Reed.