My teacher’s tall,
My teacher’s small,
My teacher’s white,
Black, tan.
My teacher is a woman,
My teacher is a man.
My teacher’s small,
My teacher’s white,
Black, tan.
My teacher is a woman,
My teacher is a man.
My teacher’s thin,
My teacher’s fat,
My teacher’s in-between.
My teacher’s always very nice.
Sometimes my teacher’s mean.
My teacher has a quiet voice,
My teacher’s voice is loud
And you can hear her speaking out
Above the wildest crowd.
My teacher is a riot.
My teacher never smiles.
My teacher lives right near the school.
My teacher travels miles.
My teacher’s younger than my mom.
My teacher’s very old.
My teacher’s hands are nice and warm.
My teacher’s hands are cold.
But when I’m feeling lonely, scared,
Or having a bad day
I take my teacher’s hand and then
Those feelings go away.
©2009 Jane Yolen. All rights reserved.