Mrs. Keebler's Blog

Dearborn Public Schools


Spelling Words – went home today.  Everything but the Dolch words are listed below.  If your student has Dolch words they are written at the bottom of their spelling homework.  I decided not to give challenge words for the 3rd grade this week since the content words are very challenging.

2nd grade Week 5

CVCe – o and CVC o

Hot – lock, poke, cone, joke

Challenge words-octagon, Oakman, oatmeal

Dolch words are individualized and on your spelling homework.


3rd grade Week 5

Short & Long /u/

Hot words – lunch, thump, such, thunder, under, bunch,

Content- subtraction, heading, democracy


Second graders have a problem solving problem due Monday in math.

Math Fact Tests – I have decided to change the way I am doing Math Facts tests a little.   I will only be giving 4 tests (addition 0-20, subtraction 0-20, multiplication 0-10, and division 0-10).  Since the new addition test is harder than the one I gave before which was only 0-10, I am testing everyone one addition again.   In order to pass to a new test you must get 90% or better in less than 4 minutes.  Each week they will take the same test again until they pass that test.  I will keep records on how much they improve each week.  Please help them study the facts at home.

The following students passed the addition test and will take subtraction next week: 3, 6, 7, 16

Everyone else will take the addition test again and try to improve their score and time.

Writing Journals – Students should write for 5-10 minutes each day.  They may write about anything the like.

Reading – Students should be reading everyday 15 minutes/2nd grade and 20 minutes/3rd grade.

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