Red Moon by Jasmine Catrib

Although the moon is 238,900 miles from Earth, scientists believe that Earth is causing the moon to rust. The moon has 2 out of 3 elements needed for rust. There are the iron-rich rocks, and recently found, by NASA, about 40,000 square kilometers that could contain water. The third element, oxygen, was harder to detect. …


McU-Bots Ready to Conquer

Unis’ robotics team, the McU-Bots have recently returned from their first competition this winter. Although the team hasn’t won any awards for this competition, they are still preparing for the upcoming competition on May 17, 2019, at Unis Middle School. Every year the company that runs the competitions changes the theme of the tournament. This …


Is This Our Future?

Will there be less jobs in the future because they’re slowly being taken over by machines? Slowly day by day, common jobs are being taken over by machines. Registers, bankers, factory workers are all examples. Technology is advancing everyday and soon it will be able to fill up more advanced jobs. With the decrease of …


Bankrupt Because of NASA?

Created in 1958, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Agency), has done an awesome job with space exploration. NASA is a government agency that completes, or attempts to complete, all the missions we wanted to go on as kids. NASA has done so much good for the United States, but there is still a price to …


Cheer For Our Robotics Team

Believe it or not, Unis Middle School won 5th place and 4th pick for the semifinals. With dedicated students and an amazing coach, our first robotic team in Dearborn Public Schools doesn’t deserve anything less. Building Robots might seem like all fun and games, but it can help the students in multiple ways. “It’s giving …


Google’s future

As you guys might know, Google is an American multinational technology company specializing in Internet related services and products, that include online advertising technologies, search, cloud computing, software, and hardware. The two founders of Google are Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The CEO of google is Sundar Pichai. Finally, chairman Eric Schmidt. Google have made …


The Near Future

Robots by far are the greatest innovation of today’s technology. Robotics is the branch of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots, as well as computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing. Scientists everyday are looking for ways to improve the …


Tablets V.S Textbooks

  Did you know what there are many schools that use tablets instead of textbooks? Tablets can help students learn material more faster. There are many schools that prefer textbooks over tablets. Tablets can also be sometimes difficult to operate, especially for some students. All these technological devices including tablets are prevalent in almost every …


Remember The Beatles?

1964, thousands of excited, screaming, young fans welcomed The Beatles to America! The Beatle are legends. They were loved all over the world, started so many fashion trends, and broke hundreds of records. They changed the world of music forever. They will forever be remembered by their talents and how they influence the world of …
