Thanksgiving Touchdown

    On the evening before Thanksgiving, two Chicago Bears football players, Dion Sims, and Allen Robinson, did a rather generous action when they hosted Thanksgiving dinner for the fellows in New Pal HQ in Detroit, Michigan. The New Pal is short for The Detroit Police Athletic League. They help a lot of people in need …


Nike Mags

Ever heard of the shoe that laces itself? The Nike Air mag is a limited edition shoe created by Nike. This shoe is grey with a white swoosh and they are high tops. The bottom of them glow and  the top has a white strap with the word nike and it glows blue. The back …


Competition Affecting Students

Have you ever wondered about competition affecting you in any way? Good or bad? Concordia University students have done studies showing that competition has a great affect on students, “children face the real-world”, and,”Children can still work in teams, but compete against other teams: It can be a great way to “enliven the classroom environment.” …



Michael Jordan is the best basketball player of all time. A summary of his basketball career and influence on the game can’t explain how good he was. He’s a phenomenal athlete with unique skills of speed, power, artistry, and competitive desire. One of his famous quotes is, “I always believed that if you put in …


Middle School Separation

Should gym classes be separated? Why is it that only in some middle schools, they have separated gym classes? Elementary and high school have mixed gym classes. Swimming classes should be separated because of religious reasons or just because you aren’t wearing as much as in a regular gym class. Many people say, that they …


The Evolution of Baseball

Jackie Robinson. This is a name that will be remembered forever. On April 16, Jackie Robinson had a tryout with the Boston Red Sox. Neither the manager, nor the players showed up for Jackie’s “tryout.” All in all, Jackie did not give up. Jackie Robinson played for the Brooklyn Dodgers. Jackie Robinson was also the …


…8, 9, 10 Ding, Ding, Ding

The moment when you hit the ground hard. Don’t know what happened. Then all you hear is, “It’s over, It’s all over”. “We have a new heavyweight champion of the world.” You look to your side, you see your coaches upset. Then you look to your other side and see everyone looking upset, and saying …


Martha Graham Then and Now

Martha Graham is the mother of modern dance. Graham continued to dance into her mid-70s and choreographed until her death on April 1, 1991 at the age of 96, leaving behind a legacy of inspiration not only for dancers but for artists of all kinds. Her company continues to perform.There is also a play dedicated …


Goodyear Then and Now

Charles Goodyear is the inventor of vulcanized rubber. Some may think that he lived a wealthy and good life with this amazing invention, but it was actually the complete opposite of that. Goodyear devoted 5 years of his life to rubber. He tried many different experiments trying to make rubber suitable for industrial use. There …
