Miss. Shapas's Blog

Dearborn Public Schools

March, 2018

Detroit Zoo chaperone list

The long waited list is here! Sorry for the delay, there were a lot of different situations going on and could not get the list on the day I wanted too! Congrats to all that were selected! If there are any changes to the list, I will pick at random again. And let that person […]

Week of 3-28-2018

Greetings room 107 Families! Spring has sprung! Let’s hope the weather continues to warm up and stay pleasant for us during the spring season. THANK YOU to all the families that have been coming into the class as Mystery Readers this month. The students and I have been enjoying all the stories. Here is what […]

This past week in review

Hello all! Just an update what we were doing this past week: Writing: continuing writing about penguins. We started writing a book about penguins and what we have learned. Spelling: -it word family quiz was taken yesterday Math: Continue 3-D and 2-D shapes. Science: continue about weather and how to warm a chilly playground that […]

March is reading month

The first 3 chapters questions will be asked today from Ralph S Mouse. The calendar will be the same going forward.

Message from the DuVall PTA

🌴🌼🌸 Parents, a lot of you are asking if we are rescheduling the Daddy Daughter Dance. As a group we decided that we are going to combine the Daddy Daughter and Mother Son Dance Into a Family Luau. So find your Hawaiian shirt and grass skirts!! It will take place on Friday, April 27th. The cost […]

Week of 3-5-18

Hello families! What a snowy wintery day we have today! Spring will be here soon (hopefully 😉 . March will be a busy month! Sent home last week was a calendar for March is reading month. As said in the announcement on Remind, it will be adjusted because of the snow/ice day last week Friday. […]

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