Miss. Shapas's Blog

Dearborn Public Schools

September, 2020

A message from Mr. Attee

Dear Families below is a copy of Mr. Attee’s recent DuVall Blog post! In order for your child to participate in physical virtual activity this year we must complete the following form online. Thank you very much. If you do not belong to Mr. Attee’s DuVall blog, please subscribe for up to date DuVall information: […]

Thursday 9-3-2020

Hello families, Here is a explanation of all the materials you picked up yesterday! If you have any questions, please let me know! Click on the link below to view the video! Material explanation video

First week of school- Day 2

Dear Kindergarteners, This year you are going to have such a wonderful time. Together, we are going to learn SO much! Penelope Rex tried really hard not to eat her friends. In the end, she makes a lot of friends at school. One of the last pages in the story, the book lists some words […]

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